Une stratégie militaire commune pour l’Alliance des États du Sahel présentée par le Mali


Selon l’AES Info, une délégation militaire malienne de haut niveau s’est rendue au Burkina Faso et au Niger pour présenter des “projets clés visant à renforcer la coopération militaire au sein de l’AES”.

La délégation a été menée par le général de brigade Mamadou Massaoulé Samake .

“Cette initiative témoigne de la volonté des pays membres de mutualiser leurs efforts et leurs moyens pour faire face aux menaces communes et construire un avenir plus sûr et prospère pour leurs populations”, écrit le média.


Ces projets seront ensuite soumis à l’approbation des Chefs d’États-majors.

Le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso ont annoncé le 6 mars la création d’une force militaire conjointe pour lutter contre l’insécurité à laquelle sont confrontés les trois pays depuis plusieurs années.

Source: https://fr.sputniknews.africa/

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  1. I am concerned about United States military bases located in nations neighboring AES nations. I view this from position of NATO nations share military information as if they are one. I suspect that due to that existence NATO France in past have obtained intelligence information from United States military
    personnel plus withing minutes if not seconds passed it on to terrorists. United States with all its technology will be able to pass much same information it gather while in nation bordering AES nation. We should plan our military action with this in mind plus take special note that only simultaneously conducted ” no stone left unturned offensive” will suitably override that condition.
    I see United States is recommending that Nigeria be given permanent seat on United Nations security council but seat have no veto power. That is insult very much like inviting me to dinner plus making me only person at table not to get food to eat. I wonder do NATO consider that compensation for 300 billion United States dollars it robbed Nigeria with manufactured worldwide inflation. No one in Africa should commend that action unless they like Negroids being treated like bitches. It is kin to Kamala Harris under total circumstance knowingly depriving 60 million Negroids of opportunity to become members of esoteric water system. I wonder if part of reason for being so selfish is that women who partake at interracial relations are allowed only on lower levels. That include if woman becomes president of United States. I did not make rules but after many years I chose to comply to them. There will come time that Negroid Americans will perceive plus duly act upon you have to cross real quality of living bridges on your own especially when it put you on level as high as that others are on.
    During 1980s while incarcerated I read writings of psychologist Naim Akbar. They left me wondering how do you eradicate prevalent slave or/ plus sharecropper mind set that dominate African Americans. I do not have satisfying answer but I am convinced it will have to be steps plus stages action. Thinking of that mind set make message long time family friend gave me seemingly from my relatives only good action to take. Message is in nutshell when moment comes I am able leave this shit behind ( United States) plus do not look back.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

  2. I hope this is giant step toward implementing “no stone left unturned offensive ” we need to take if we are to obliterate terrorism in AES nations.
    Henry Author Price Jr. aka Kankan

  3. Le Mali peut présenter ce qu’il veut à ses deux co-épouses ! Quand on additionnes les zéros ça fait toujours zéro !

    • Le chien aboie mais la caravane passe! Les jaloux, envieux et ennemis de lla Confederation de ‘AES vont mourir de chagrins et de jalousie!


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