ORTM / Journal TV 20h du 13 Août 2013



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  1. par respect bonjour,tous ces commenteur sur C Sanogo sont des egoiste. ATT a foutu le pays dans la merde, personne n’a voulu ouvrir sa gueule a cause de la peur. ATT n’etait pas un prophete juste un minable. et parfoit certain malheur apporte le bonheur. tel que le coup d’etat qui vient d’amener tous ce bonheur au Mali,et grace au bon dieu et le monde entier derrier le Mali, un Mali beni. sinon les enemies allait mettre fin a l’existance du Mli. et tout ce qui critique Le Capitaine Sanogo ,c’est compris ,ce sont les corompus et les partisant de ATT.

  2. The act of Soumaila, isn’t any way by any means patriotic. He has done this because, he has no any other option but to admit.

    I don’t see this to be patriotic at all, if so, Why he did not act this way in the first place instead of wasting people’s times and the wealth of the Country?

  3. The act of Soumaila, isn’t any way by any means patriotic. He has done this because, he has no any other option but to admit.

    I don’t see this to patriotic at all, if so, Why he did not act this way instead of wasting people’s times and the wealth of the Country?

    • The act of Soumaila, isn’t any way by any means patriotic. He has done this because, he has no any other option but to admit.

      I don’t see this to be patriotic at all, if so, Why he did not act this way in the first place instead of wasting people’s times and the wealth of the Country for no reason?

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