Sécurité : Un faux médecin-commandant arrêté par la gendarmerie nationale


Hier lundi 19 février 2018, la gendarmerie nationale a procédé à l’arrestation d’un faux médecin-commandant dans le centre du Mali. Il disposait des tenues militaires au complet, une carte militaire, une carte de la division centrale des services de santé de l’armée (DCSSA) entre autres.

En effet, depuis 2005, ce monsieur trompait la vigilance des gens, particulièrement les militaires. Il était basé au Nord du Mali. Mais ce qui est marrant, personne n’a soupçonné même un seul jour qu’il n’était pas militaire. Grâce à l’intelligence des gendarmes, il a été arrêté et actuellement il est détenu au camp I de la gendarmerie de Bamako.

La question qui se pose maintenant est de savoir comment il a eu la carte militaire et la carte de la DCSSA ? Une enquête a été ouverte pour traquer ces complices et en savoir davantage sur la portée de son acte.

A suivre !

Gaoussou Kanté

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Depuis 2005 les contribuables Maliens paient leurs services des renseignements qui ne servaient à rien pour assurer leur sécurité.
    La preuve d’une république bananière et honteuse ,une humiliation nationale transformée à une gloire pour quelques bidas qui s’ affichent fièrement.
    Quel pays ? Des imposteurs des manipulateurs des opportunistes .
    Depuis 2005 non mais le Mali est en danger permanent, la corruption le trafic d’influencé les abus de tout genre.
    Que le ciel sauve le Mali., quels guignols 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  2. comrades it appear your management of medical conditions are far superior to what I am being afforded. In short much to my disapproval I have not been afforded medical treatment I need. In fact there have been a continuous attempt to mislead about matters I have had my condition on information basis opined by professionals who were not available to treat me due to my political position.
    There have been continuous actions that place medical professionals including physicians who are HIV/AIDS positive in a position where they fulfill role of intentionally misleading me. It appear I will fall prey to African plus Arab prediction of I will not receive proper medical treatment unto I am home in Africa. I will attempt to keep you all duly informed. I will be of need of immediate visa when it is time to go thus, expect you all to duly be prepared to facilitate my need. I had a TWENTY THIRD delivery.
    My physical condition prohibit likelihood of any meeting between myself plus members of america CIA concerning Africa.
    I would like to leave at earliest possible date post Twenty Third affair. I am told likely for morale sake that Malinke females wait my return plus would like to nourish me back to health. I am not one to babysit but, I do appreciate thought plus likely will need some assistance through treatment plus recovery of my physical well being to a military capable degree.

    Comrades I feel there is a very very foul decision determined by others which will proof for fools of Prince Hall plus their Sorority plus Fraternity friends worse is still to come. They will be systematically reduced to what they are capable hopefully it is not what I was told by establishment which is they are not capable of much plus greatly reliant upon charity of humane treatment.
    Well that is what it is. Prince Hall want to know its true value. India recently made its position in matter understood which is it have to much to lose over foolish ways of Prince Hall but you all know how India ride. Anything they do anytime they do it is correct as long as they come out ahead. Maybe that is cause South Africa is recruiting BBR Julu to bring Buntu decisiveness to conditions if needed.
    Maybe I be home shortly after MOUSSA COULIBALY becomes president.

    Very much sincere, Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

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