Justice. L’ancien ministre Mahamadou Camara recouvre la liberté. BOUARE Fily Sissoko toujours en détention


Dans un communiqué publié ce jeudi 16 mars, le procureur général de la Cour suprême informe que la liberté provisoire est accordée à l’ancien ministre Mahamadou Camara. Pour bénéficier de cette liberté provisoire, l’ancien ministre de la Communication et l’économie numérique s’est acquitté de la somme 500 millions FCFA demandée par le parquet. 

Quant à Mme BOUARE Fily Sissoko, ancienne ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, elle reste en détention pour n’avoir pas pu réunir le même montant. Le procureur général de la Cour suprême met en garde contre les accusations de tragédie judiciaire portées par certains magistrats dans l’affaire dite des équipements militaires. Dossier dans lequel les anciens ministres Mahamadou Camara et BOUARE Fily Sissoko sont poursuivis.




Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. FILY fut ministre des domaines du temps de AOK elle doit avoir beaucoup de titres de propriétés de terrain. elle n’a qu’en vendre ou gager dans une banque de la place pour pouvoir payer sa caution . après le jugement si elle est clean elle sera remboursé.

  2. That is considerable amount of money nearly one million United States dollar. Where did money come from. It is easy to comprehend if Ms Sissoko unable to raise that much money. Considering what was rumored stolen through corruption plus connected to death of soldiers plus citizens by arms of terrorists it is just to have such high bond.

    On unrelated condition I use word plus in place of and being in spiritual world plus literally and is a beautiful thief that skillfully steals from everything she is connected to plus mesmerize us while doing it we often do not notice her crime. I do not like thieves.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

  3. Do you a have a special reason to use the word “plus” as replacement of “and”. If not, please write English as it should, then I and maybe other persons will confortable reading you!

    • ®𝔄𝕀G®◇□◇𝔄◇□◇G◇□◇𝕀◇□◇ℜ◇□◇ℒ◇□◇𝕀◇□◇O◇□◇◇□◇G◇□◇𝕀◇□◇𝔄◇□◇®◇□◇◇□◇


  4. This is not a case of them being “scapegoats” if they are guilty of charged crime. Unfortunately we were not duly focused at corruption like we should have been when we allowed Karim Keita to get out of detention plus in violation of law leave Mali. Of course there are numerous others guilty of corruption but got away being they were not so bold as to stay in Mali after committing despicable financial crimes in time of war. A financial crime that could be tied to death plus injury of some brave FAMA soldiers plus numerous Malian citizens.
    I am against Sharia Law plus believe it is not right to practice it in a civilized community but I comprehend why Islam apply it. Though it demand discipline Islam promote criminality. It was established by commission of criminal acts having impunity. Criminals acts committed to establish islam are murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery plus property destruction. When people are allowed to commit like acts plus get away with it they tend to form belief they are somewhat godlike plus may do whatever they choose without regard of injury to others or breaking of secular laws. It takes extreme actions to bring like people back to being under control. Islam knowing it created like monster men then imposed Sharia law to bring them back to being under control as acceptable for position they hold within islamic community. Is this or is this not a bare truth of islam?
    We are smarter plus above all positioned to where we do not have to apply Sharia law even if we must employ death sentence for commission of some criminal acts. In foregoing cases concerning theft of funds designated to be used in military behalf long prison sentences that are irrevocable should be punishment for all.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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