Installation du G5 du Sahel à Badalabougou : Les populations refusent la cohabitation


Une foule nombreuse composée principalement de jeunes de Badalabougou s’est mobilisée vendredi dernier devant le tout nouveau quartier général de G5 Sahel pour protester contre son implantation à proximité des habitations.

Un violent affrontement entre les manifestants et les forces de l’ordre s’en est suivi et s’est soldé par des blessés dans les deux camps.

Sur les pancartes des manifestants visiblement excités, on pouvait lire entre autres : ‘’La France divise le Mali’’, ‘’ Non au G5 Sahel à Badalabougou !’’. Peu après, c’était la confusion. Usage de gaz lacrymogène d’un côté, jets de pierres de l’autre.

L’affrontement qui n’aura pas duré très longtemps a occasionné des blessés autant dans les rangs des forces de l’ordre que dans ceux des manifestants.

Selon ce jeune de Badalabougou, « nous ne sommes pas contre le G5 Sahel, ni contre l’implantation de son quartier général à Bamako ou ailleurs au Mali. Seulement, Badalabougou est un quartier où résident de paisibles citoyens. D’ailleurs, il est facile de constater qu’il n’y a que quelques mètres entre leur QG et nos habitations ainsi que le campus universitaire. Pourquoi nos autorités ne choisissent-elles pas d’implanter leur camp militaire loin des populations ? ».

Pour cet autre manifestant, « jamais nous n’accepterons de cohabiter avec ces gens. D’ailleurs, en plus de l’insécurité à laquelle ils nous exposent, nous sommes sûrs qu’ils transformeront notre quartier en un lieu de débauche. Nous reviendrons nous battre pour éviter cela».

A noter que le QG du G5 Sahel à Badalabougou n’est pas un nouveau bâtiment construit pour abriter cette structure.

Il occupe le messe des officiers, un vaste domaine composé de chambres d’hébergement, de piscine, restaurants et bars, créé depuis plusieurs années à l’attention des officiers de différents corps de l’Armée malienne pour leur permettre de se retrouver, se détendre et se distraire. Et de cette structure qu’était le désormais ex messe des officiers de Badalabougou, jamais les populations du quartier n’avaient eu à s’en plaindre, tant ses occupants s’étaient toujours distingués par leur discrétion et leur humilité.

Boubacar Sankaré

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. La prostituion va aller gogo !!!
    LEs abus des enfants vont monter en flèche, comme ils ont fait partout dans le monde : haiti, congo…
    Les criems inpunie, comme l’armée criminelle inpunie franSSaise …

    Bon courage, ne les laisser pas s’installer dans votre quartier !

  2. C’est la peur de la prostitution de nos filles aussi + alcool etc. Personne ne veut un nouveau marché de ça a cote de sa famille. Il ne faut surtout pas faire l’erreur de confondre ce que ce gouvernement peut accepter et ce que la population malienne peut accepter. Mieux vaut comprendre tôt et aller chercher le QG ailleurs. Il faut respecter le choix du peuple.

  3. comrades communique from Julu Mandingo to all Ubuntu. Usually concerning conditions as we have with establishment of Sahel 5 Headquarters citizens are usually correct in what they propose concerning location of such entities.
    Personally I thought it was most cowardly act to establish that Sahel 5 headquarters in or near Bamako as oppose to establishing it near territories that are being contested by criminals, jahadists plus national plus international terrorists. I acknowledged that from onset. It is being established as if it is to be retreat for foreign soldiers as oppose to office that coordinate battle plans against jahadists or/plus terrorists. It is this kind of deviation of action from action that is aligned with ultimate goal that have led to lack of due effectiveness plus timeliness in success by Sahel 5. It is this kind of action that show we are not one hundred percent committed to ultimate goal of timely eradicating jahadists plus terrorists from Sahel 5 nations. Why?
    I guess to end thought of what appear to be despicable mess on good “note” is to turn to matters not relevant to mess. In my case school ended for local children to take summer break. My very competitive grandson completed this school year with 3.9 out of 4 grade point average. At this point I believe his mom have correct formula for him as student. As his reward I have taken to sharing greater information on his ancestors. I started with Mansa Kankan Musa plus lies told of Mansa being Muslim when title Kankan itself clearly show Mansa was not Muslim. My grandson first duty was to find out meaning of Kankan. Of course I know it was title given to leader of leaders of Asia plus Africa during existence of Mongol empire plus Mansa wore that title in most fitting way as his disasterous expedition to North America proof as it have left us here stranded to this date but, we like Ubuntu people are making comeback. Mansa as title of Kankan show was leader of what is now referred to as Mongol empire. Greatest empire ever created by humans. I shared information with him of at every level of Mongol empire there was negroids plus two cities were also named Kankan. One in Guinea of Africa plus other at India of Asia but I failed to tell him at India spelling different. There is much more I will share with him about Mansa including my learning of Mansa is result of as preschool child plus afterward my Dad emphasized that I would find my family history in study of war. I did not expect to find it in study of war including Asia. For African American that was important being idea constantly floated that African Americans had done nothing much unto after enslavement in America. That idea made clear what lack of education fitting for times could do even for most educated of people. I believe my grandson will make good leader but at what level I do not know. I believe he will be engineer. It fit him. Amarey is engineer at heart.
    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.
    why am i having problems with email from hamtramck. no problems from elsewhere. what is going on?
    I see that Boubou Cisse’ boy is getting on my last nerve. Another incompetent want to be but would not know what to do if he could be.

  4. comrades communique from Julu Mandingo to all Ubuntu. Usually concerning conditions as we have with establishment of Sahel 5 Headquarters citizens are usually correct in what they propose concerning location of such entities.
    Personally I thought it was most cowardly act to establish that Sahel 5 headquarters in or near Bamako as oppose to establishing it near territories that are being contested by criminals, jahadists plus national plus international terrorists. I acknowledged that from onset. It is being established as if it is to be retreat for foreign soldiers as oppose to office that coordinate battle plans against jahadists or/plus terrorists. It is this kind of deviation of action from action that is aligned with ultimate goal that have led to lack of due effectiveness plus timeliness in success by Sahel 5. It is this kind of action that show we are not one hundred percent committed to ultimate goal of timely eradicating jahadists plus terrorists from Sahel 5 nations. Why?
    I guess to end thought of what appear to be despicable mess on good “note” is to turn to matters not relevant to mess. In my case school ended for local children to take summer break. My very competitive grandson completed this school year with 3.9 out of 4 grade point average. At this point I believe his mom have correct formula for him as student. As his reward I have taken to sharing greater information on his ancestors. I started with Mansa Kankan Musa plus lies told of Mansa being Muslim when title Kankan itself clearly show Mansa was not Muslim. My grandson first duty was to find out meaning of Kankan. Of course I know it was title given to leader of leaders of Asia plus Africa during existence of Mongol empire plus Mansa wore that title in most fitting way as his disasterous expedition to North America proof as it have left us here stranded to this date but, we like Ubuntu people are making comeback. Mansa as title of Kankan show was leader of what is now referred to as Mongol empire. Greatest empire ever created by humans. I shared information with him of at every level of Mongol empire there was negroids plus two cities were also named Kankan. One in Guinea of Africa plus other at India of Asia but I failed to tell him at India spelling different. There is much more I will share with him about Mansa including my learning of Mansa is result of as preschool child plus afterward my Dad emphasized that I would find my family history in study of war. I did not expect to find it in study of war including Asia. For African American that was important being idea constantly floated that African Americans had done nothing much unto after enslavement in America. That idea made clear what lack of education fitting for times could do even for most educated of people. I believe my grandson will make good leader but at what level I do not know. I believe he will be engineer. It fit him. Amarey is engineer at heart.
    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.
    why am i having problems with email from hamtramck. no problems from elsewhere. what is going on?
    I see that Boubou Cisse’ boy is getting on my last nerve.

  5. comrades communique from Julu Mandingo to all Ubuntu. Usually concerning conditions as we have with establishment of Sahel 5 Headquarters citizens are usually correct in what they propose concerning location of such entities.
    Personally I thought it was most cowardly act to establish that Sahel 5 headquarters in or near Bamako as oppose to establishing it near territories that are being contested by criminals, jahadists plus national plus international terrorists. I acknowledged that from onset. It is being established as if it is to be retreat for foreign soldiers as oppose to office that coordinate battle plans against jahadists or/plus terrorists. It is this kind of deviation of action from action that is aligned with ultimate goal that have led to lack of due effectiveness plus timeliness in success by Sahel 5. It is this kind of action that show we are not one hundred percent committed to ultimate goal of timely eradicating jahadists plus terrorists from Sahel 5 nations. Why?
    I guess to end thought of what appear to be despicable mess on good “note” is to turn to matters not relevant to mess. In my case school ended for local children to take summer break. My very competitive grandson completed this school year with 3.9 out of 4 grade point average. At this point I believe his mom have correct formula for him as student. As his reward I have taken to sharing greater information on his ancestors. I started with Mansa Kankan Musa plus lies told of Mansa being Muslim when title Kankan itself clearly show Mansa was not Muslim. My grandson first duty was to find out meaning of Kankan. Of course I know it was title given to leader of leaders of Asia plus Africa during existence of Mongol empire plus Mansa wore that title in most fitting way as his disasterous expedition to North America proof as it have left us here stranded to this date but, we like Ubuntu people are making comeback. Mansa as title of Kankan show was leader of what is now referred to as Mongol empire. Greatest empire ever created by humans. I shared information with him of at every level of Mongol empire there was negroids plus two cities were also named Kankan. One in Guinea of Africa plus other at India of Asia but I failed to tell him at India spelling different. There is much more I will share with him about Mansa including my learning of Mansa is result of as preschool child plus afterward my Dad emphasized that I would find my family history in study of war. I did not expect to find it in study of war including Asia. For African American that was important being idea constantly floated that African Americans had done nothing much unto after enslavement in America. That idea made clear what lack of education fitting for times could do even for most educated of people. I believe my grandson will make good leader but at what level I do not know. I believe he will be engineer. It fit him. Amarey is engineer at heart.
    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.
    why am i having problems with email from hamtramck. no problems from elsewhere. what is going on?

    • Juan Guaidó est probablement caché par la France (qui a aussi participée à la tentative déstabilisation du Venezuela tout comme du Sahel avec leur annonce d’avoir butté un grand chef d’un groupuscule terroriste selon eux) et qui utilise ses canaux de désinforamtion comme Franceinfo pour diffuser peut-être de fausses images d’archives d’un Juan Ghuaidó se baladant librement …

      Pareil pour un procès Bolloré, procès de déroulant au tribunal de Nanterre et non sur le lieu du “crime” à l’étranger, dont la France refuse de délivrer des visas à ces ressortissants afin qu’ils puissent assister à ces procès, et dont ces médias français gardent le silence complice!
      Après ils ont encore le culot d’accuser les autres d’agressif alors que ce sont eux les Agre$$iFrançais!

  6. comrades communique from Julu Mandingo to all Ubuntu. Usually concerning conditions as we have with establishment of Sahel 5 Headquarters citizens are usually correct in what they propose concerning location of such entities.
    Personally I thought it was most cowardly act to establish that Sahel 5 headquarters in or near Bamako as oppose to establishing it near territories that are being contested by criminals, jahadists plus national plus international terrorists. I acknowledged that from onset. It is being established as if it is to be retreat for foreign soldiers as oppose to office that coordinate battle plans against jahadists or/plus terrorists. It is this kind of deviation of action from action that is aligned with ultimate goal that have led to lack of due effectiveness plus timeliness in success by Sahel 5. It is this kind of action that show we are not one hundred percent committed to ultimate goal of timely eradicating jahadists plus terrorists from Sahel 5 nations. Why?
    I guess to end thought of what appear to be despicable mess on good “note” is to turn to matters not relevant to mess. In my case school ended for local children to take summer break. My very competitive grandson completed this school year with 3.9 out of 4 grade point average. At this point I believe his mom have correct formula for him as student. As his reward I have taken to sharing greater information on his ancestors. I started with Mansa Kankan Musa plus lies told of Mansa being Muslim when title Kankan itself clearly show Mansa was not Muslim. My grandson first duty was to find out meaning of Kankan. Of course I know it was title given to leader of leaders of Asia plus Africa during existence of Mongol empire plus Mansa wore that title in most fitting way as his disasterous expedition to North America proof as it have left us here stranded to this date but, we like Ubuntu people are making comeback. Mansa as title of Kankan show was leader of what is now referred to as Mongol empire. Greatest empire ever created by humans. I shared information with him of at every level of Mongol empire there was negroids plus two cities were also named Kankan. One in Guinea of Africa plus other at India of Asia but I failed to tell him at India spelling different. There is much more I will share with him about Mansa including my learning of Mansa is result of as preschool child plus afterward my Dad emphasized that I would find my family history in study of war. I did not expect to find it in study of war including Asia. For African American that was important being idea constantly floated that African Americans had done nothing much unto after enslavement in America. That idea made clear what lack of education fitting for times could do even for most educated of people. I believe my grandson will make good leader but at what level I do not know. I believe he will be engineer. It fit him. Amarey is engineer at heart.
    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

  7. AW BE’ KA SABALI!!!
    La famille de ma tante habite a’ Badalabougou. Durant ma derniere visite a’ Bamako , j’habitais chez mon ami A.N. Samake’ dans ce quartier. Le sujet est donc personnel et je prefere l’eviter. JE SUIS SURE QU’UN TERRAIN D’ENTENTE PEUT ETRE TROUVE’!!!

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