Covid-19 au Mali : 504 nouveaux cas confirmés ce jeudi 13 janvier


Sur un total de 2 498 échantillons analysés, le Mali a enregistré, ce jeudi 13 janvier 2022, 504 nouveaux cas confirmés de Covid-19, 01 décès et 513 patients guéris.

A ce jour, la situation cumulée est de : 27 653 cas positifs de Covid-19 ; 678 décès et 21 917 patients guéris.

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1 commentaire

  1. After having had Covid 19 in January- February of 2020 before world medical community had treatment or vaccine plus having had omicron I know omicron is much less severe. In some ways nuisance in comparison. I most definitely pre being infected with omicron as oppose to Covid 19 of January- February 2020. However best is to have neither.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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