Projet de loi portant création des collectivités territoriales en République du Mali

Mohamed Ag Erlaf, ministre de l’Administration territoriale
Mohamed Ag Erlaf, ministre de l’Administration territoriale

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Projet de loi portant création des collectivités territoriales


Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. comrades message from Julu Mandingo to Julu Ubuntu. This draft law appear to be way for federal government to avoid its costly duty setting law for whole of Mali that is uniform plus not varying from settlement to settlement. This law is another step toward giving terrorists autonomy of establishing terrorist state within Mali. IBK where are your leadership skills? Is this what you have chosen to leave youth of Mali as testament to your leadership skills. It is suicide pact that is sure to lead to annihilation of Ubuntu of Mali in near future maybe before IBK die of natural cause. This law is shameful under life or death conditions existing in Mali. A perfect example of what incompetent leaders will allow. Moreover, it demonstrate self-hate. We must do better.
    Under total circumstance existing in Mali laws need be set at national government level with implementation of those laws having guidelines being left to local authorities. You will find that those who do not accept these conditions are deeply involved with corruption or/plus terrorists.
    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

  2. Kéniéba est encore plus loin de Kita que de Kayes…
    Qu’est ce qui fait que Kéniéba ne puisse pas devenir une Région administrative… ?

  3. Kéniéba est plus loin de Kita que de Kayes…
    Qu’est ce qui fait fait que Kéniéba ne puisse pas devenir une Région administrative… ?

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