Présidentielle 2018 : Moussa Sinko annoncera bientôt sa candidature

Moussa Sinko Coulibaly
Moussa Sinko Coulibaly

Le Général Moussa Sinko Coulibaly, depuis sa démission, est en train de marquer le terrain politique pour implanter  son mouvement à l’intérieur du pays.

Depuis le lancement de sa plateforme, Moussa Sinko  Coulibaly est entré dans une offensive en direction du Mali profond pour rencontrer, discuter, échanger avec le peuple. Selon un de ses lieutenants, Moussa Sinko Coulibaly a bouclé la semaine dernière sa tournée dans le nord après les autres régions du Mali. La suite logique de cette tournée, selon ce proche de MSK, sera la mise en place d’une commission d’investiture du candidat de la plateforme. C’est pourquoi, dit-il, l’équipe est à pied d’œuvre pour l’aboutissement de cette candidature, qui sera révélée au peuple malien au moment opportun. « C’est forts de ce constat que nous vous apportons le démenti formel à certaines informations faisant état du ralliement de notre président à un candidat. Moussa Sinko Coulibaly sera bel et bien candidat à l’élection présidentielle de juillet 2018 et il n’est et ne sera l’ombre de quiconque », a déclaré  le chargé de communication de la plateforme, Yacouba Bamba.

Modibo L. Fofana

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  1. Merci, c’est clair que le Gl Moussa Sinko COULIBALY est l’homme du changement tant attendu par le peuple malien. Il a dit NON à la mal gouvernance , à la gabegie, au népotisme , au vol , bref il exige que le pouvoir appartient au peuple seul, au nom du quel il est exercé . Il est un noble qui dit haut ce que d’autres disent plus bas.

  2. comrades what will be mark in turning point of history of Mali plus Buntu people world wide will be announcement of Moussa Coulibaly as candidate for president of Mali elected 2018.
    I will now share with you information for some cause I do not share with many. It pertains to my ancestor Mansa Kankan Musa plus his failure to this day to return to Akebulun. Despite many craftpeople plus experts Mansa expedition planning plus implementation possessed there were things unknown to them they could not have under total circumstance prepared for better except to have delayed timing of expedition start however, to have delayed timing of expedition start would have denied expedition of currents that carried expedition swiftly. Unfortunately conditions that increased currents speed unknowingly bought hurricanes in open seas. It was hurricanes plus Atlantic Ocean storms that decimated Mansa expedition murdering many of skilled personnel that could have easily built modern cities but, Mansa survived plus due to that survival “hunt would would” you you spirit plus comprehension of Mansa live through me plus soon will return home to Akebulun to assist in returning Akebulun to modern day paradise of Perpetual World Class Modern Living.
    Following is portion of beginning of modern day Buntu Julu holy book. This section is known as

    All Buntu Julu consciously possessing plus applying wisdom established by Buntu Beliefs Religion’s Higher Truth Passage To Ju Covenant inclination is to perform good thought with good intent actions. That inclination demonstrate possession of high degree of self-esteem. Possession of high degree of self-esteem promote timely uncovering of beneficial solutions to challenges. In addition, high degree of self-esteem promote diligent pursuit of development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions.
    Buntu Beliefs Religion’s Higher Truth Passage To Ju Covenant is celebrated in perpetual calendar tear’s period known by Buntu Julu as period of Awakening. Period begin December 25 of every year plus end January 01, of following year.
    For centuries Awakening period have at least in part been used by various cultures plus religions as period to subtly belittle Buntu Julu with their cultural or/plus religious celebrations. Those cultures or/plus religions in speech plus actions pose question of if Buntu people are of higher Human division being Buntu Julu did not have modern day holy book written by Buntu Julu. For that cause above many other causes period set forth is chosen as fitting period to celebrate Buntu Julu ‘s Awakening.
    Day one of Awakening is December 25 of perpetual calendar year. It is designated as day to honor Buntu Beliefs Religion’s Higher Truth Passage To Ju Covenant delivery of spiritual dignity to Buntu Julu. On this day Buntu Julu are to give gifts to their immediate family members. Gifts are to be of giver total circumstance reasonable financial ability. Givers of gifts are to possess goood thought with good intent toward generating honor, joy, self-esteem plus unity for all involved in passing of gifts.
    Day two of Awakening is December 26, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to celebrate science. Buntu Julu are to do so by honoring beneficial scientific achievements of year most recently passed. Buntu Julu are to encourage fellow Buntu Julu to pursue plus achieve greater scientific achievements in every useful condition of existence.
    Day three of Awakening is December 27, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to celebrate existence of their extended family. Buntu Julu are to honor Buntu Julu perseverance plus wisdom shown by their ascendants. Buntu Julu are to examine challenges they encountered in year most recently passed.
    Day four of Awakening is December 28, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to honor existence of Buntu Julu children. Buntu Julu are to give great thought to Buntu Julu children of past, present plus future development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions.
    Day five of Awakening is December 29. of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to honor existence of Buntu Julu females. Buntu Julu are to give profound thanks to Buntu Julu females for their contributions to Buntu Julu families existence, development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions.
    Day six of Awakening is december 30, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to celebrate alms by giving alms to less fortunate Buntu Julu who are not relatives or extended family but do diligently pursue good thought with good intent development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions.
    Day seven of Awakening is December 31, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to celebrate plus honor Buntu Julu males. Buntu Julu males are to honor themselves plus encourage their family plus extended family to fulfill their obligation of assisting Buntu Julu development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions.
    Day eight of Awakening is January 01, of perpetual calendar year. Buntu Julu are to celebrate aesthetics of joyous superior living conditions plus encourage their fellow Buntu Julu to possess good thought with good intent development plus maintenance of joyous superior living conditions. However, fulfillment of noble intent toward aesthetics do not require of Buntu Julu to sacrifice security efforts against external or internal evil forces.

    As are Buntu people of Mali are set to return of goodness of modern living so is Buntu Beliefs set to once again be religion of Buntu people. Buntu Beliefs Religion is by Buntu people plus for Buntu people just as much as Christianity plus Islam is by those that conceived their holy books.

    Patriotic Movement Platform For Change

    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

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