Mali : le président révèle que la transition a empêché la vente de l’aéroport de Bamako


Le colonel Assimi Goïta, président de la transition, a révélé lors de sa visite à Ségou le mardi 13 juin 2023 que la transition malienne avait empêché le processus de concession de l’Aéroport International Président Modibo Keïta, ainsi que la vente de la Compagnie malienne de Développement du textile et de l’usine malienne de produits pharmaceutiques.

Le président Assimi Goïta a souligné que certains responsables souhaitaient vendre le terrain de l’usine malienne de produits pharmaceutiques à un prix inférieur à sa valeur réelle. Il s’est interrogé sur l’identité de ceux qui cherchaient à vendre l’Aéroport International Président Modibo Keïta.

Selon un compte rendu de réunion en date du 13 mai 2020, le Ministre de l’Économie et des Finances avait convoqué son département pour l’ouverture des offres financières des soumissionnaires dans le cadre de la mise en concession de l’Aéroport International Président Modibo Keïta.

Source: Alwihda Info

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Mr. Diarra, on vous dit “ Selon un compte rendu de réunion en date du 13 mai 2020, le Ministre de l’Économie et des Finances avait convoqué son département pour l’ouverture des offres financières des soumissionnaires dans le cadre de la mise en concession”
    Voilà des preuves que le Président a .
    Vraiment soyons dignes et honnêtes dans ce pay.

  2. All of those dynamics plus essential entities some stupid sought to sale are important to Mali competent security plus development of comfortable world class modern living conditions under unstoppable accelerating Global Warming that wait for no one. Those conditions with competent management are easily profitable however, if profitable only small amount due to their dynamic plus perpetual importance to competent security plus upgrades in living conditions they should remain under real time control of Malian government. To sell them to foreigners or even to Malian posing as front plus buyer for foreigners is stupid action that compromise competent security plus give foreigners notice of all arriving to Mali at that airport. We all know it is not in Malians best interest to take that kind of actions. We do not need another version comparable to turning Mali security against terrorists over to NATO France. Anyone promoting that kind of action should be scrutinized continuously.
    Stupid is what stupid do. As security becomes more competent we should not relax plus get permissive without having cause that is align with self reliance, secular governance plus sovereignty. In near future as we become more educated having pharmaceutical manufacturer allows us to ascertain what is within medicine produced plus given to our citizens as patients. No nation should be so stupid as to desert that self reliance condition. To do so ascertain poisoning by foreigners who sell us pharmaceuticals. If pharmaceutical manufacturer is not profitable impose laws that certain widely used drugs in Mali may only be provided by that our pharmaceutical manufacturer.
    We must achieve plus maintain self reliance disposition. Not all areas of self reliance disposition are profitable. Some are simply bridge to having control over important areas of our living conditions.
    President Goita in all cases referred to by news article have made smart choice plus President Goita decision is in line with Mali construction of infrastructure that support Mali being self reliant nation capable of leading group of African nations to being self reliant group of nations that achieve comfortable world class modern living conditions under unstoppable accelerating Global Warming that wait for no one.
    Thank you President Goita!
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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