Bien dit : «La conquête de la paix dépasse de loin la victoire dans la guerre»


«La peinture du rocher marquant l’entrée de Kidal aux couleurs nationales est un acte symbolique qui, une fois de plus, renforce la souveraineté du Mali sur la ville et sur l’ensemble du territoire malien. Il illustre les efforts soutenus de la transition pour la réunification totale du pays… Il est primordial de se souvenir que la conquête de la paix dépasse de loin la victoire dans la guerre. Unissons nos efforts en faveur de la stabilité du Mali, ensemble dessinons un avenir radieux pour l’ensemble de notre nation, où chaque citoyen peut s’épanouir et prospérer».

Ibrahim Diawara

Homme d’affaires et président du Mouvement «Maliens Tout Court»

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Comment is Noble plus appealing words if nothing else however, I like to take comment for it’s intentions of to promote world class modern living Mali having competent security. Competent security is modern day peace. We best consider total circumstance thereof we know without victory at war there is no chance for competent security. Without competent security there will be no peace.
    We are fighting dopefiend terrorists who do not intend to stop fighting unto they win war where thereafter everything is to be as they say it should be. All dopefiend terrorists within Mali must be found plus neutralized. They have firmly established they prefer obtaining their wealth by robbing plus illicit drug dealing plus in act of carrying out those ungodly deeds they murder, rape, kidnap, injure plus destroy property to others. They find joy in these criminal acts plus give thanks to Allah for allowing them to have power to commit those acts.
    Peace of Mali past failure to evolve to delivering competent security Mali need today is place we must not ever go back to. It is stupid to believe we should. Considering Negroid African position in this world we are unable to afford being stupid. If we do world will not give us break we must have. We will be first to genocide. Unstoppable accelerating Global Warming will make this more obvious in near future if it have not already done so.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan


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