Will Smith démissionne de l’Académie des Oscars après sa gifle à Chris Rock: “La liste de ceux que j’ai blessés est longue”

Will Smith © AFP

Will Smith a décidé de démissionner de l’Académie des Oscars après la gifle qu’il a assénée à l’humoriste Chris Rock en pleine cérémonie de remise des prix, a-t-il annoncé dans un communiqué.

“La liste de ceux que j’ai blessés est longue et comprend Chris, sa famille, nombre de mes amis chers et de mes proches, tous ceux qui étaient dans le public ou chez eux”, écrit Will Smith dans ce texte diffusé par le magazine spécialisé Variety. “Je démissionne de mon poste de membre de l’Académie des arts et sciences du cinéma et j’accepterai toutes les conséquences que le conseil d’administration estimera appropriées”, assure l’acteur de 53 ans

Source: https://www.7sur7.be/

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  1. It is only entertainment. One of humans greatest stupidity is importance we place on being entertained plus entertainers. Entertainment is most effective when it give relief from stressful daily life. We give entertainers almost God like status. Only God should be given God like status.
    As for Will Smith I believe his decision that preempted Academy of Oscars to be disciplinary decision is good decision . It appear Academy of Oscars is leaning toward whatever make incident economically viable thereof enriching Chris Rock plus those producing or promoting his shows.
    As for incident it was one having inexcusable wrongful acts on both sides. I would like to “hunt would would you you” interview Chris Rock about his knowledge concerning Will Smith’s wife infection causing hair loss. I am willing to bet money Chris Rock knew of infection but made bad joke intending to belittle her before worldwide audience. He had belittled her at previous Academy Award show without incurring injury or liability plus appear to determine he could do it again. Only correct response to Chris Rock under total circumstance mean spirited joke was to give In Kind treatment. Rock had gone off script to do as he wanted to do which was belittle Will Smith’s wife prompting Will Smith to do what he perceived as fitting response plus wanted to do which was slap Chris Rock. That slap was for previous insult Chris Rock arbitrarily made to Will Smith’s wife Will Smith still owe Chris Rock slap for insult he made this time.
    I was surprised by response of women from Hollywood especially Ms, Sykes. I wondered if I hurled similar insults at her from near same disposition Chris Rock held would she hold same opinion about our incident that she hold about Smith vs Rock incident. Rock insult was not only insult to Smith’s s wife but also personal insult aimed at Smith for not responding to initial insult years ago. Those governing Academy of Oscars know this but to this point have failed to sanction Rock. Yes Smith is right for resigning. Still situation is only about entertainment. We place too much importance on entertainment whether it be theatrical or athletic thereof making it entity that should not but do have undue plus dangerous amount of influence on our lives. I would prefer watching female basketball or children reenactment of real life event as entertainment but to each it’s safe preference.
    I believe big loser will be in Africa Oprah plus her group of “cougars”. High ranking Africans do not like what they perceive in Rock coded call for help supposedly to Oprah plus her cougars of all races. Favorable response that supposed call is getting in United States concerning wrong wronged incident of Smith versus Rock I have been informed is doing irreparable damage in Africa to Oprah plus her group of cougars status. Africans have enough bullshit going on plus do not need that constantly contradicting ” easy way out mentality” bullshit in Africa. There is no easy way out of Global Warming or terrorism.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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