Le nouveau Commandant de la Force de la MINUSMA sur le terrain pour s’imprégner des réalités

Le nouveau Commandant de la Force de la MINUSMA sur le terrain pour s’imprégner des réalités
Le nouveau Commandant de la Force de la MINUSMA sur le terrain pour s’imprégner des réalités

Le général de corps d’armée Dennis Gyllensporre, Commandant de la Force de la MINUSMA a effectué, ce 31 Octobre 2018, une première visite de contact avec le bataillon nigérien de la MINUSMA à Ansongo et Ménaka.

Un hélicoptère aux couleurs des Nations Unies se pose sur l’héliport de la base de la MINUSMA à Ménaka. À son bord, le général de corps d’armée Dennis Gyllensporre, Commandant de la Force de la MINUSMA. En provenance d’Ansongo, où il s’est prêté au même exercice, le Commandant des soldats de la paix de la MINUSMA a été accueilli par le Chef du bureau régional de la MINUSMA et le Commandant du bataillon nigérien, celui de l’unité de Force de protection Togolaise, le coordinateur régional de la Police des Nations Unies (UNPOL) et le personnel civil de la MINUSMA. « Je suis venu pour m’imprégner de la réalité sur le terrain. Je sais que les défis sont nombreux et que nous devons travailler dur pour la paix dans ce pays. J’ai été impressionné par les opérations que vous avez effectué sur le terrain. Vous pouvez compter sur mon entière disponibilité pour bien mener notre mandat », a-t-il déclaré sur la place d’armes du camp, face à une centaine de soldats de la paix mobilisés pour la circonstance.

Pendant sa visite de quelques heures, il a pris part au briefing sécuritaire dans la salle des opérations du bataillon nigérien. Il s’est également entretenu avec le Chef du Bureau régional de la MINUSMA à Ménaka, Francisco Osler De Almeida.

Depuis sa prise de service le 4 octobre dernier, le Général Gyllensporre multiplie les sorties sur le terrain comme ce fut le cas à Mopti, Tombouctou et Gao. À Ménaka, il a visité le nouveau dispositif sécuritaire mis en place pour renforcer la sécurité du camp. Il a apprécié cette mesure préventive mise en place par le bureau régional de la MINUSMA.

A la fin de sa visite, il a promis de revenir le lendemain jeudi pour se joindre à une mission conjointe de protection des civils.

Source: Bureau de la Communication Stratégique et de l’Information Publique de la MINUSMA

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  1. comrades communique from Julu Mandingo to Julu Ubuntu. this whole affair much to often appear to be exercise in how to be incompetent. It is costly affair in every way that only prolong condition of any value is that it give Europe another controlling position to work from in Akebulun (Africa) due to Akebulun leaders unwillingness to be excess overseers. If Akebulun leaders were leaders they first would seek to act without restraints set by foreigners. It is most unlikely any Akebulun nation will duly develop world class modern living conditions unto Europeans have taken control of Akebulun plus inhabit it in dominating fashion.

    True story time. While I was elementary school student in Texas during civil rights plus school integration period of 1969 we were allowed to play American football under organized agenda in a league however, being football equipment did not provide safety it do today plus we were still in sensitive development stage government of Texas did not allow us to play tackle football. Instead we had to play “flag’ football except for New Year Day game called “Milk Bowl” where all six grade star players that would graduate to junior high school played a holiday game before as many of citizens of city that could fit in stadium. Well during this period of civil rights movement African American small city mentality was very much different from what you find now. Being I was one of older males plus my dad had set Prince Hall on upper level in our community it was not unusual for other African Americans to introduce their children to me plus tell them if you have problem with any of “white kids” go see Henry Jr.. they would tell me to manage situation best I could plus let them know what is going on. Well some children would go as far as come to me if they had problems with “white” teachers. On one occasion I made mess of situation ending with me being arrested but principal rescued me plus scolded police. Bright side of that was we did not experience anymore conduct like that out of racist teachers for remainder of school year. To be brief that teacher Ms. Gibson wanted confrontation. I much later learned it was to proof all “white chicks” did not want to sleep with my dad who was dead by that time. She wanted to proof herself as thoroughbred “white chick” not afraid to show her racist side. She ordered a young African american girl to give her swing to ‘white” girl who wanted that swing. Well that young girl came to me crying as I was busy getting my before class football in. She told me what happen. I gathered my comrades we went over to swings made all “whites” exit plus thereafter took over all playground area that had equipment thereto allowing younger African American to play as they like. My “white” friends tried to talk to me but I was pass that point. Ms. Gibson went to office called police requesting her brother who was member. Later after class begin police showed up removing me plus two of my close associates from class. they took us to principal office for interrogation. I refused to talk to police beyond telling them my name, address plus phone number of adult to contact. My comrades as surprised to me did talk before me. they told everything they knew but I was at peace being every word they spoke was truth. It was then I realized that caught up in frenzy of moment I had ordered them to assist me in everything that was done. More to point I was one police wanted so when they let my friends go but kept me it was no surprised. However, when police went into rant plus my lack of showing fear cause him to rant more principal came to my rescue plus called chief of police who had officer to leave. Thereafter principal who was bee keeper became friend of mine. Well back to football. My first football coach was Jewish. I knew football having four uncles who were into intricacies of football to extent they would watch football game plus call play to be called by offensive team before it was call. Well to make story short being I have to leave soon. That Jewish football coach who was college student told me that “whites” only elevate blacks who dance like whites want them to but in end when tough decisions have to be made those who dance are expendable. I told him very much like my uncles had instilled in me that I do not tap dance. To this day I still do not tap dance but in Detroit error that was made is white Establishment tried to make me tap dance by placing me with those who tap dance at moment notice. It have not worked out for anybody. stupid is what stupid do. Do not give stupid break.
    very much sincere,
    Henry Author price Jr. aka obediah Ubuntu Il-khan aka kankan aka gue.

    • Alors que Radio FranceTVinfo rabache sur l’aberration du ski hors-saison en Autriche…

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      Pas très écologique, mais ça n’a pas l’air de retenir l’attention de GREENPEACE, de Radio FranceTVinfo ou les écologistes…

      Pourtant ils auraient pu le faire en créant des Îlots (espaces verts , verdures vu que c’est à la mode… portes comme ça se fait dans les supérettes, abris bus cloisonné ect!) de fraicheurs…


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