USA-Biden a dit à un proche réfléchir au maintien de sa candidature-NYT


Joe Biden a dit à un proche avoir ouvert une réflexion sur l’opportunité de maintenir ou non sa candidature en vue de l’élection présidentielle américaine de novembre 2024, rapporte mercredi le New York Times.

Visiblement affaibli, l’adversaire de Donald Trump a stupéfait son entourage et ses partisans lors d’un débat télévisé organisé la semaine dernière par CNN, butant sur les mots et semblant parfois perdre le fil de ses réflexions et encourageant des membres du Parti démocrate et certains titres de presse, dont le New York Times, à le prier de renoncer à se présenter.

Le quotidien ne donne aucune précision dans son article.

(Katharine Jackson et Ismail Shakil; version française Nicolas Delame, édité par Blandine Hénault)

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  1. After all years Biden have been politician he know how to best portray role he intend to portray. My viewpoint is he done very good job of portraying man who have aged beyond point that his ability have him fit to be president of United States. his goal is to have Trump to choose old boy running mate. As you know like many of you despite fact I have no control over election I have great deal of money on who need win for me to recover hopefully at least half of what I loss during ongoing inflation. It would be stupid to think I could recover it all but if I could recover half in two years or less it will be best I may do.
    Once again with Biden being wary old guy he is he know certain loss lies in Trump choosing Caucasian female as his vice presidential running mate. If Trump fail to do so plus continue that old boy disposition in which he is most inclined to do American woman will serve him another defeat when he think he could not lose. Caucasian female is largest voting bloc in United States. Female gender voters as whole outnumber male gender. In them lies victory. They appear willing to undergo more of Biden inflation if Trump is so stupid as to not be willing to make woman his running mate. Trump plus old boys fear likely is if Trump make female his running mate it would very much setup female to win next presidential election. There would be Vice President Harris plus Michigan Governor Whitmer to contend on democrat party side plus female Trump chose on republican side. This lineup of females would likely cancel out California Governor Newsom plus Florida Governor DeSantis chances of representing their party in presidential race. As for me I would like to have my money back that my ex-wife fucked up while I was in prison by investing in way contrary to what I had taught her is safe.
    Henry Author Price Jr. aka Kankan


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