Après son triomphe à la convention républicaine, Donald Trump a tenu samedi son premier meeting de campagne depuis qu’il a été victime d’une tentative d’assassinat, au moment où son rival Joe Biden, contraint à l’isolement en raison du Covid, est affaibli par une fronde grandissante.
Apparu sans le bandage blanc qui lui recouvrait ses derniers jours toute l’oreille, le candidat républicain a été acclamé dans une salle omnisports de 12.000 spectateurs pleine à craquer, à Grand Rapids dans le Michigan, un “Etat pivot” qu’il avait remporté en 2016 mais que Joe Biden lui a ravi en 2020.
“J’ai pris une balle, la semaine dernière, pour la démocratie”, a-t-il lancé, pour répondre aux accusations récurrentes d’extrémisme vis-à-vis de sa rhétorique et de son projet politique.
Il a promis “un raz-de-marée monumental” en faveur des républicains lors des prochaines élections et moqué les démocrates “qui ne savent pas qui est leur candidat”.
Cimenter sa base
Donald Trump cherche à cimenter sa base dans cette région du nord ayant souffert de la désindustrialisation, à l’image de Detroit. Une démarche à laquelle doit contribuer son colistier, le sénateur J.D. Vance, originaire de l’Etat voisin de l’Ohio, et qui se présente comme un porte-voix de l’Amérique déclassée.
Prenant la parole avant Donald Trump, J.D. Vance a visé la vice-présidente Kamala Harris, dont le nom revient avec insistance pour remplacer Joe Biden.
“J’ai servi dans le corps des Marines des États-Unis et j’ai créé une entreprise. Qu’avez-vous fait, à part encaisser un chèque?”, a-t-il lancé à propos de l’ancienne sénatrice et procureure générale de Californie.
Mais l’attention se concentrait aussi sur le dispositif de sécurité, alors que de nombreuses questions demeurent quant aux manquements lors du précédent meeting.
Ce nouveau meeting électoral se tient dans un lieu fermé, un environnement plus facile à sécuriser qu’un espace ouvert.
Source: https://www.7sur7.be/
From what I am viewing Trump political problem is American woman. They believe Trump is out for revenge being it was their vote much beyond any other that cause Trump defeat in 2020 election. Many Negroid Americans voted for Biden but it was women vote that gave Biden win.
Women quietly speak plus imply they will do it once more to Trump with Biden likely to receive as much as 70 percent of women vote. Unbelievable!
Trump have to amend himself with American women. They are as cleverly “playing” him as he is playing them. As conditions are if Biden able to hold up his end it will be easy win.
We must as aggressively as feasible pursue self reliance to survive plus progress under more of Biden inflation. If Biden elected there will be more inflation.
Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan
I believe Biden want to be president when Catholic religion completes its takeover of United States. It is in unstoppable position plus of millions of immigrants coming cross US border each year are 90% Catholic. Protestants slept through takeover as if they did not observe it occurring. Hahahaha. No harm done. I guess.
For Negroid Americans there will be more stricter discipline making nonsense communicating they enact problem that will easily injure their positions for lifetime. Practice of intentionally doing wrong before you do right is often unnecessarily financially costly. It seems no one told last two Negroid American generations that Negroid Americans made more lasting progress when they obligated doing right. Where those outside Negroid community did not do right we left them alone as soon as feasible. Last two generation play let’s do wrong game plus is suffering terrible losses. They have to reestablish self reliance mentality briefly possessed during 1970s.
Own or control damn near everything in their community without criminal intent. From there with today’s technology, know how plus personnel could rebuild their community to have necessary parity with other communities at God speed. To do this they must remove punks from controlling leadership roles plus those that punks have trained to act as punks. They have very little time to do as need be done. To have plus maintain mindset to do right is not easy after featuring doing wrong for two generations. It seems as long as one or two Negroid Americans were in high profile positions Negroid American community as whole did not recognize or was unwilling to give due consideration to as they moved forward two steps rest of nation moved forward three or more steps with Negroids Americans falling so far behind they are unable to discern lead groups in numerous professions whereabout.
Punks led Negroid Americans not to take necessary actions to become part of American mainstream esoteric water system. Female bitches were just as bad being they did not qualify for top spot so they made themselves unavailable to assist. Julu will see them in Africa. It is no place for them to be. At times when it was feasible punks would have their personnel sneaking round trying to engage me on that esoteric water issue plus Ubuntu Beliefs Religion UBR Julu free speech shield of “hunt would would you you…hunt would would”. Son of bitches. World do not need anymore like them.
It is no secret frontal lobe of most Negroid American children born since 2010 appear to be affected by something that slur their speech as if they are becoming human shaped monkeys. In Detroit area it have been posed to me do I believe it is lack of being in esoteric water system or being poisoned by Arab stores or both? I do not know, I am not physician- scientist plus I am not person to turn to for solutions. I do not nunc pro tunc. We do right as known from beginning not after knowingly trying many wrong ways. We should have with group meeting my approval made deal working together on this 20 years past. Then I would have been available plus problem would not exist. My godfather Admiral saw punk leadership of Negroid Americans right. Oh he wanted me to ask them something. It is how you like him now? Where I came from both Caucasians plus Negroids know my Dad taught me to deal with stores who cleverly poison us by not allowing Negroids to enter them using any means necessary when situation call for it. I proof at embassy I possess plus know way to esoteric water cycles with word.
Once I obtain my assets in steps plus stages I will make all my relatives staying in United States members of esoteric water system. As Christian cliche go. They will then be saved! This means for period I will be back n forth between Africa plus United States.
Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan