Sergueï Lavrov constate des avancées dans les relations entre la Russie et le Burkina Faso

En effet, les rapports sont en pleine expansion, a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie russe lors des négociations avec son homologue burkinabè Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré.
“Nos relations se développent, principalement grâce aux accords conclus l’année dernière lors de la réunion de nos Présidents, Vladimir Poutine et capitaine Traoré, dans le cadre du deuxième sommet Russie-Afrique”, a fait valoir M.Lavrov, arrivé au Burkina dans le cadre de sa tournée africaine.
À son tour, le ministre burkinabè des Affaires étrangères a déclaré que son pays souhaitait poursuivre le développement des relations avec Moscou après le sommet de Saint-Pétersbourg.


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  1. No doubt reliable Russians must be impressive to get what I consider headstrong plus muscle use inclined Burkinabes leadership attention on there are modern greater options in taking essential actions available to Burkinabes as partner of Russia. Hopefully Russian input will help reduce Burkinabe headstrong methods that have place but often place chosen is not best place plus result is counter to needed production. We all know reduction or/ plus elimination of like mentality is steps plus stages affair best properly implemented at God speed. I believe Burkinabes see right light plus is acting in accordance despite inclination toward favoring superstition that have been injurious to Africans for decades if not centuries. We need only examine our development of world class modern living in relation to develop world to know superstition being practiced in Africa do not work to degree needed therefore should be deserted. In fact in nutshell it is stupid to adhere to like superstitions but often we do as have been impressed upon us to do by generation or two before us. In Africa in relation to that it is best we first admit those teaching are not appropriate for modern world. Thereof we do not dishonor those teaching by turning to what to what is appropriate to manage world class modern living in Africa where water in large quantity must be found now. We must dig in right places.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan


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