Les Européens seront les premiers “à souffrir” de l’embargo pétrolier, affirme la Russie


Les Européens seront les premiers à “souffrir” de l’embargo pétrolier décidé dans le cadre des sanctions européennes contre la Russie pour son intervention en Ukraine, a déclaré jeudi le vice-Premier ministre russe chargé de l’Énergie Alexander Novak.

“Les consommateurs européens seront les premiers à souffrir de cette décision. Non seulement les prix du pétrole, mais aussi ceux des produits pétroliers augmenteront. Je n’exclus pas qu’il y ait un grand déficit de produits pétroliers dans l’UE”, a déclaré M. Novak dans une interview retransmise à la télévision russe.

Source: https://www.7sur7.be/

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  1. Total circumstance concerning oil indicate we should be securing what we believe will be productive Malians oil fields plus pumping oil as we construct refinery near where oil is found. But we like to make it appear we too ignorant to do that. Those oil fields plus refinery would be giant step toward achieving essential self sufficient element of comfortable world class modern living conditions under unstoppable accelerated Global Warming. We could supply nearby Mali areas of Africa with quality fuel as we work on producing other oil products.

    As for EU it will be very cold winter for those of lesser wages being strategy they are adopting of buying their oil elsewhere will increase fuel cost excess 25 percent due to competition to buy that oil. Thereof everything reliant upon fuel will have dramatic increase in price including transport of goods plus production of electrical energy. There likely to be demonstrations throughout EU especially among greedy french.
    We suggest we avoid foregoing fallout in part by identifying plus developing
    Malians oil fields plus building refinery for African use only unto African needs are fulfilled. Anything less would be to exercise stupidity practiced by past Negroid African leaders. We have come far enough to know not to go back to that under ongoing unstoppable accelerated Global Warming. To do so will only prematurely promote our genocide.

    EU plus United States made terrible error in tampering with Russia plus Ukrainian affairs. They broke unwritten rule but held since shortly post world war 2 that is no super power should tamper with nations in another superpower ” back yard”. Ukraine is clearly in Russia backyard. It sadden me that United States pretend rule do not nor have ever existed. It is stupid actions that is creating undue detriment for world but if Negroid Africans work smart we could benefit generously from condition that is cleverly structured by Caucasian western democracy to injure Negroid Africans most. Our remedy is to immediately as feasible buy quality production equipment or/ plus tools to build equipment that allow us to produce all modern goods plus materials at reduced cost that we need to further our comfortable world class modern living conditions development agenda under unstoppable accelerated Global Warming. It is goal requiring utmost practical Greater Good approach in perception, planning plus actions. This is no time for Negroid Africans to be childish or selfish.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

  2. Bien sure que nous souffrons deja car nous ne pouvons meme pas manger a notre fin a cause des prix incroyables dans les super marches! Les Europeens se sont mis une balle dans le pied!

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