Le Mali pourrait facilement avoir sa propre monnaie grâce à …


Si le Mali décide de créer sa propre monnaie, cela ne surprendrait personne. Le pays a déjà pris une décision inattendue en quittant la Communauté des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO).

La question se pose donc : si le Mali poursuit cette trajectoire et quitte également l’Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA), at-il le potentiel de fabriquer sa propre monnaie ?

Ce scénario pourrait devenir réalité, car le Mali possède une grande quantité d’or. Il est le troisième producteur d’or en Afrique, avec 102 tonnes produites en 2022 selon le World Gold Council.

L’or représente 80 % des exportations du pays. En plus de l’or, l’économie malienne repose sur l’exportation de coton. Ces ressources pourraient permettre au Mali de suivre l’exemple du Ghana, qui a sa propre monnaie.

Pour écrire sa propre monnaie, le Mali devrait constituer une réserve d’or. Le pays pourrait s’inspirer du Zimbabwe, qui a remplacé son ancienne monnaie, le dollar RTGS, par le Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Cette nouvelle monnaie est adossée à un panier de matières premières et de devises détenues par la banque centrale. Les réserves de la banque centrale comprennent, entre autres, 100 millions de dollars américains en liquidités et 2 522 kilogrammes d’or, soit trois fois la quantité de ZiG en circulation.

Cependant, il est important de noter que si le Mali adoptait sa propre monnaie, celle-ci pourrait être plus faible que le franc CFA (FCFA), la monnaie actuellement utilisée par plusieurs pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Source: https://yop.l-frii.com/

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  1. Would not tourism promoted by Ubuntu Beliefs Religion (UBR) Julu offering of world superior free speech shield provided esoteric language of ” hunt would would you you…hunt would would “”strengthen Malian (AES) currency as one of few currency acceptable as payment for “hunt” consultation.
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    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

    Another condition on my mind concerning where I now am located, Detroit, Michigan (USA) I set forth following. I sincerely hope that Africa have no first generation or second generation Americans involved in drugs trafficking. Following us provided so that our people with knowledge of why stay away from people they believe are involved in drugs trafficking.
    Recently have arrested some of hundreds of billions of dollars income drug dealers working out of Mexico. Illicit drugs trafficking as information set forth to me provide takes 2 trillion dollars per year out of United States 20 to 24 trillions dollars per year economy. It have reached point it must drastically be reduced. It have in many ways become wild card of American economy dumping large sums of money that drastically alter condition. Latino drug dealers are often hard working plus intelligent as info given to me reveal they do not simply take billions of dollars of drug money earned plus run home they invest much of that money in American businesses plus pay as much as 15% of that money to financial institutions that launder that drug money so that it may invest that drug money at buying stock in successful American companies that hire Latinos. Since first years of George W. Bush presidency United States have allowed ruffly 32 to 50 million Latino to immigrate to United States. Now above all time in past United States need to keep drug money in United States in American possession. Insane under total circumstance information given to Me is United States want to cut drug drain on economy to one trillion dollars per year. I believe it could take at least decade.
    United States by way of either counter terrorism, or CIA, or DEA of any combination thereof have recently arrested some of biggest names in Mexico at drugs trafficking for unacknowledged failure to noticeably reduce sale of drugs to at God speed move toward one trillion dollars total retail in United States.
    Latino drug dealers set forth much of problem lies with slave like or sharecropper mindset retail drug dealers of Detroit plus other cities. Retail drug management of that group have led to some of top cocaine dealers in world being arrested by United States. Sharecropper mindset drug dealers are refusing to retail market drugs as sold to them instead they cook garbage or/ plus poisons into drug to increase amount of drugs they have available for sale. Information provided to me is that cocaine dopefiend should be able to spend ten dollars per day plus get cocaine rock of quality it could be cut in half with portion smoked in morning plus other portion smoked in evening. Sharecropper drug cook so much garbage into cocaine that cocaine dopefiends have to buy at least double amount often three times amount to reach altered state of mind top Mexican drug king pen intend for them to reach. That is major disconnect but big profit maker for sharecropper drug dealers. It have cause United States to go after world top Latino drug dealers in way they are vulnerable.
    It is rumored Latino drug dealers have commissioned Crips to sale crack cocaine in Detroit by format where dopefiend spend ten dollars plus have quality cocaine to smoke on two occasions on that day. Crips are not only rumored gangsters they also possess honorable members of society including judges, police officers, physicians, teachers, noted entertainers etc. That is primary cause Crip whose criminal will without shame acknowledge his criminal doings. Often used cliche by Crips who are arrested for committing crimes is ” if I do crime I got to do crime” under belief you only committed crimes if you get caught. If you do not get caught you did it right. Insanity of American criminal activity.
    Crips plus Arabs are far from being best of friends plus Detroit is great place for Crips to be to reestablish Negroid manhood in United States. Crips will not accept Arabs controlling commerce in African American community they believe without reservation Negroids should control. If Crips come I expect them to use evolved version of what my Dad used in 1960s. It is none violent plus focused at Negroids controlling commerce in their neighborhood like Arabs should control commerce in Arab neighborhood. It would be eye opening experience for Negroid Americans of Detroit plus Arabs.
    I do not expect violence being Crips possess some of what was once United States finest special forces, recon Marines plus Navy Seals. No one should misread those guys when they wear dress.
    Unfortunately I will not be here to see end plus return of evolved version of Detroit to early 1970s having productive Negroid pride. I think Detroit Police Chief believe condition could blow up. Henry have already applied for job elsewhere. If sharecroppers do not Arab ass kiss situation will not blow up plus all will be free to conduct business in their community.


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