États-Unis: le mandat de Joe Biden bientôt dans l’impasse?


Les élections de mi-mandat aux États-Unis approchent, et la tendance n’est pas bonne pour Joe Biden. Le président pourrait bien perdre toute marche de manœuvre et se retrouver bloqué jusqu’à 2024.

Joe Biden bientôt sans marge de manœuvre au Congrès? Dans six mois jour pour jour, le 8 novembre prochain, le démocrate fera face aux élections de mi-mandat. Un moment toujours délicat pour les locataires de la Maison Blanche, mais qui pourrait bien se transformer en cauchemar pour l’actuel président, englué dans une tendance négative depuis de longs mois.

Déjà en difficulté du fait de sa très courte majorité, Joe Biden pourrait ainsi perdre le contrôle de la Chambre des représentants et du Sénat, indispensables pour pouvoir légiférer aux États-Unis. Si jamais ces deux organes tombaient sous la coupe des républicains, le président américain se retrouverait dans l’incapacité de faire passer des lois, et ce jusqu’à la fin de son mandat.

Source: https://www.bfmtv.com/

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  1. Biden Democrat Party was in very deep water but what is viewed as Republican dominated Supreme Court may have under circumstance given Democrats best break they could hope for. It is Supreme Court likely to allow States to outlaw abortions leaving it to each US state to determine how it will manage abortion. In some states abortion will be legal but in other states illegal llus could lead to people involved to go to prison for murder. Women will rebel at voting booth against Republicans in favor of outlawing abortions. That change in voting could be enough to surprisingly help Democrats hold on to power. Before abortion issue rose immigration plus inflation were controlling issues that could make or break politicians. Inflation is so great it exceed majority of lay raises. In short cost of living have increased. Republicans appear to be laying legal ground work for stricter enforcement of immigration laws thereof bringing immigration from Latin America to virtual halt with cause being significant population increase in United States due to high Caucasian birth rate due to outlawing abortions. As is it is mess with application plus enforcement of immigration laws being unreliable.
    As usual African Americans are injured most but their cocaine addict leaders keep saying all is well. We do not want them in Africa. In viewing their weak, incompetence plus misleading ways I have come to accept Omar may be correct in his assessment about if my claim about unstoppable accelerated Global Warming is correct. Omar boldly declared African nations should require all Negroid Americans trying to escape United States to Africa to avoid hardship Negroids in United States will undergo as result of immigration to United States under unstoppable accelerated Global Warming to donate half their wealth to African nation that give them citizenship. It make little difference if that wealth is $ 250,000 or $ 250,000,000,000. All will be interviewed about all wealth associated with them.
    My Uncle James who was Vietnam era long range reconnaissance sergeant like me saw this condition coming in United States decades ago. Despite my family association with Negroid Africans living from Mauritania to Kenya we figured I am best person to get those of us going home to Africa there. United is be coming worst by year but educated African Americans having limited success pretend they do not see ongoing change plus believe whatever occur they will be all right. My response is their stupidity is making me laugh.
    In upcoming fall 2022 United States elections abortion is big key. It is likely to determine who win or lose. For that cause Biden position is better far far beyond what it should be.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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