CNRD: Sale temps pour le Général Sadiba Koulibaly, ex chef d’état-major des armées


Ce jeudi 11 mai 2023, s’est ouvert à Conakry, un procès atypique au tribunal militaire. Il concerne le vol d’armes survenu en début avril au centre d’entraînement aux opérations de maintien de la paix. La rocambolesque disparition de ces armes a d’ailleurs été à l’origine du limogeage du commandant dudit centre. Mais ceci est une autre affaire.

A propos du procès…

Dans le box des accusés se trouvent, quatre militaires et un civil, tous poursuivis pour vol présumé, vente d’armes, transfert illicite d’armes, recèle, complicité, blanchiment de capitaux et financement du terrorisme.

Il s’agit des caporaux Karinka Doumbouya, Lancinet Oularé, des sous-lieutenant Sidiki Kaba, Moussa Sidibé. Le cinquième est un certain Mamadi Kaba, syndicaliste. Dans les procès-verbaux lus à l’ouverture de l’audience, des éléments troublants ont été révélés par le greffier en chef. Il a évoqué un réseau de trafic d’armes de la Guinée vers le Mali avec un groupe affilié à l’Etat Islamique, une organisation terroriste qui opère dans le nord-Mali.

Le sous-officier Sidi Kaba considéré comme le cerveau de l’affaire aurait reconnu dans son PV être impliqué dans cette vente d’armes vers le Mali. Un de ses coaccusés aurait indiqué que la subtilisation frauduleuse de ces armes était sur instruction du Général Sadiba Koulibaly. Le quel aurait justifié ces sorties d’armes par le fait qu’elles devaient servir à la lutte contre un réseau de bandits qui opérerait à Madina-Oula.

175 armes auraient été soutirées du magasin d’armements du Centre d’entraînement aux opérations de maintien de la paix, sis à Kindia. Une infime partie (19/175) de ces armes a été saisie lors d’un contrôle de routine de la gendarmerie routière de Kankan. De fil à aiguille, il s’est avéré lors des enquêtes que ces armes venaient du Centre d’entraînement aux opérations de maintien de la paix.

Justifiant le limogeage du commandant du Centre d’entraînement aux opérations de maintien de la paix, le Général Sadiba Koulibaly indiquait le 04 mai dernier citation : « Quand une telle chose arrive partout dans le monde, le premier responsable, c’est le commandant de l’unité… il a été puni parce qu’il a manqué à ses responsabilités. On ne blague avec les questions d’armes », expliquait le désormais ex chef d’état-major général des armées.

Il sera limogé quelques jours plus tard de son poste. Comme pour le consoler, il a été nommé dans la foulée  le 09 mai, ministre de l’urbanisme, de l’habitat et de l’aménagement du territoire chargé de la récupération des domaines spoliés de l’Etat. L’officier ne prendra pas fonction avant d’être limogé 24h après sa nomination. C’est dans ce contexte que son nom vient d’être cité dans cette affaire plutôt troublante. On ne sait pas si ce limogeage est liée à cette affaire ou. L’audience a été renvoyée la semaine prochaine.


Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Unfortunately where military personnel of authority is not true to it’s oath these despicable incidents occur. In this case officers of Guinean military was willing to sale stolen arms to terrorists in Mali who murder Malian soldiers plus citizens plus would have used those weapons of which 156 were not recovered to facilitate rape, kidnapping, robbery, drug trafficking plus destruction of property. In short that sale contribute to creation of chaos that facilitate plundering of Negroid African nations by NATO without NATO having direct involvement in bringing about that facilitation. In most nations where found guilty perpetrators under given circumstances should be executed. If not executed given a lengthy sentence of at least 15 years of incarceration. We will not ever be able to determine amount of damage caused or lives loss by weapons sold by Guinean military to terrorists. This occurrence demonstrate there is serious problem within Guinean military concerning loyalty that should be duly addressed by President Doumbouya. Without doubt these perpetrators are expendable plus Negroid Africa would benefit from those traitors being neutralized.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

    P. S.
    To answer what Nigerians would like to know about my trip I acknowledge following with limitations. Being Nigerians were present I need not acknowledge why. For record sake I did briefly meet young Nigerian Rapper in Sacramento during NBA basketball playoffs. I did not know he was entertainer unto days later when I saw his photograph along with American entertainers. He seem quite pleasant plus clean cut more like college student who believed he have a bright future.
    From hour I arrived in Sacramento plus exited light rail train having to walk with my belongings to a Storage where I made reservations it was 5 people walking ahead of me who proclaimed it would be a learning experience. They were talking to me despite fact I had not ever met them. Sacramento in period of weeks made me realize California I see on television or in movies do not exist for Negroid Americans. California population is under seven percent Negroid. For most part Negroid exist under glass ceiling in California. As I many times proclaimed while I was there I have not ever seen so much unneeded ass kissing often seemingly by members of Negroid America most noted families. Worst of all it seem Caucasian encouraged them to do it to emphasized much of their family success including that extended to drug trafficking is result of ass kissing Caucasians. HIV plus crack use is clearly out of control in California plus if it is poster child for United States it will be decades before bought under control without cure for HIV plus legalizing of cocaine under pharmaceuticals plus government control but I was told drug dealers through stock market own pharmaceuticals. It is a mess!
    Initially I was somewhat confused by display of belittling noted Negroid American familes but not shocked being I had for years accused many of Negroid American leading families of being step n fetch it niggers incapable of doing what is in Negroid America or America as whole best interest. As Malians know I made similar claim about former President Obama who often applied solutions conceived by Harvard University that made Harvard graduates lots of money plus solved problems but were known from onset not to be best solutions to those problems. Yeah! Jackson, Johnson plus Gordy group ( JJG) was intentionally effectively belittled with intent not perceived by me unto April 2023. It is to get them out of way with United States future dealing with my group no matter which political party control American presidency. I acknowledge on many occasions even to Mongoloids I will not knowingly accept niggers games as was found out in Las Vegas. I left them in shock. It is very much like I told some members of JJG group that I do not, have not plus will not accept Jewish trying to group us as one plus put them in charge of me. Ha ha ha ha! As Sacramento prove with it’s many sizeable world ethnic groups I am my own man plus worldly viewed as that. I will not accept burden Jewish tried to give upon me. I have my own Ubuntu African alliance who US government know is at godspeed working toward leading Negroid Africa. World witness me in Sacramento plus know my Malians plus Burkinabe leaders are people to talk too concerning me as I have expressed.
    A final note on this condition with much omitted is as follows. There have been lots of remarks in various cities even during my return bus ride to Detroit that I will not help Negroid Americans out. Number one no one with all those comments including my children have ever said how I am expected to help Negroid Americans out. After decades of observing plus receiving no meaningful help from Negroid Americans I have come to suspect their request for my help if ever fully revealed will amount too having me cutoff arm to save their fingernail. Under that condition they know my response plus it is asinine to pose request for help from me.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

  2. Un autre general grand voleur comme Mbemba Keita et Moussa Diawara, etc au Mali, il faut les prendre tous leurs biens a l’interieur comme a l’exterieur et puis les mettre devant un peloton d’execution de la garde républicaine car des généraux sans dignité, sans honneur et sans vertu!

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