Attentat déjoué en Algérie : le groupe Etat islamique revendique


Le groupe Etat islamique (EI) a revendiqué lundi 27 février l’attaque suicide avortée contre commissariat de police à Constantine, dans l’est de l’Algérie, qui a fait deux blessés la veille.

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  1. Well as a child plus growing up I found despite fact he was not in legal compliance with male law of circumcision Malcolm X was one of my top five heroes primarily due to he would say plus act on what others thought but was afraid to say. One phrase he used which earned him many enemies among caucasian of America was as a result of America’s President John F. Kennedy being assassinated. Many including members of my family found Malcolm X comment cold plus unfeeling. Although Malcolm X had not been incarcerated for murder but to someone who have been incarcerated for murder like comment is common for a person who have for years even excess a decade have not been shown sympathy under any circumstance. Comment in response to President Kennedy death is “it was a case of chicken coming home to roost”. Malcolm X comment in common language meant it was those among President Kennedy peer group who had murdered him or paid for him to be murdered. Personally I believe same hold true with Algeria which is terrorists they have been supporting found cause to momentarily turn on them if report of attack is true. Very much sincere, Henry Author Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu Il-Khan aka Kankan.

    • comrades i do not use word the in writing. When you used it in what I write you change message to something very different. Kankan

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