Afrique du Sud : un mort du choléra, une première en 15 ans


Un homme de 24 ans est mort du choléra en Afrique du Sud alors que le pays n’a pas connu de décès lié à la maladie infectieuse depuis quinze ans, ont alerté jeudi les autorités sanitaires.

Infection diarrhéique aiguë provoquée par l’absorption d’aliments ou d’eau contaminés par une bactérie, le choléra est en forte recrudescence notamment en Afrique, a récemment mis en garde l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

La victime originaire de Benoni, à une quarantaine de km de Johannesburg, est décédée dimanche à l’hôpital, a précisé le ministère de la Santé dans un communiqué. Les tests menés se sont ensuite révélés positifs au choléra.

Cinq cas au total ont été enregistrés dans le pays depuis le début du mois.

La dernière épidémie en Afrique du Sud remonte à 2008-2009, avec quelque 12.000 cas enregistrés. La maladie sévissait alors au Zimbabwe voisin.

Cette fois, le foyer de l’épidémie se situe au Malawi, pays d’Afrique australe qui connait une vague meurtrière et qui est en manque de vaccins. Au moins 1.400 personnes sont mortes sur les 45.000 cas signalés depuis mars 2022 dans ce pays parmi les plus pauvres au monde, selon l’ONU.

Des cas ont aussi été enregistrés au Mozambique et au Zimbabwe.

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Whether South African leadership of knowledge will acknowledge it or not if under condition of Mandela becoming president South Africa had kept to my agenda it would be much greater nation for all. It would by far possess best housing for all citizens of all Negroid African nations. Unfortunately President Mandela embraced ass kissing agenda of South African rich caucasians plus caucasian foreigners. It enriched his working family but left far behind too many willing to work plus working South Africans in poverty.
    Umhonto we Sizwe! Amandla!
    It is of my greatest hope we soon have Negroid South African president having courage plus plan to correct that condition entirely. If I was president of South Africa I would. Certainly leadership of South Africa is intelligent as I am or it should not be leadership in South Africa. Instead it is ” bitch nigger” (treat me like a lady) leadership that should lead no nation on this planet especially under unstoppable accelerating global warming.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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  2. Amandla!
    To have a death from cholera for South Africans is much like shock I have found California to be. Television primarily movies had me thinking it is some God sent united states community. No one told me truth. It is no where near utopia it is presented as being if you believe as Russian Fyodor Dostoyevsky proclaimed that is ” you judge a community by how it treat its poor” under total circumstance. California is cleverly cruel appearing to add chemicals that have stool softening effect to City of Sacramento municipal water. How many other California cities do same? No wonder California despite its warm weather have only 6 % Negroid American population. They found some place less racially challenging to live. Stool softening effect causes waste to stay in digest tract much longer unless person is perpetually using laxatives which we all know perpetual use negatively effect body. Prolong presence of waste being retain by body where ulcers exist in digestive tract easily lead to infections that may easily become cancer. As acknowledged years ago in Detroit, Michigan there seem to be actions promoting cancer in United States by using municipal water. Detroit method of using pipe coating to cover lead pipes with pipe coating also included pipe coating within municipal water consumed thereof covering ulcers found on digestive tract plus in cases creating infections that become cancer. However, when this condition may be examined for colonoscopy prior to EXAMINATION PATIENT IS REQUIRED TO TAKE HIGH POWERED LAXATIVE THAT CLEANSE PIPE COATING FROM DIGESTIVE TRACT THEREOF GIVING APPEARANCE CANCER DEVELOPED ON ITS OWN WITHOUT INPUT FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE.
    There is much clever cruel shit going on in United States if you do not ignore facts in their barest state. It is much like 1960s plus 1970s Civil Rights days where bitch niggers preferred pretending conditions were not as bad as they were. Now bitch niggers with money do same especially if their intimate relation is interracial. Who want like bitch niggers in Africa no matter how much money they possess? It seem California intent is to get poor to leave plus find life in another state. Bottle water not from California appear to make difference along with higher consumption of fruit but still to intentionally do as being done with stool softening effect in water is clever cruelty equal to terrorists acts being imposed on poor.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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