Terrorisme: le poste FAMa de Somandougou attaqué hier


Le lundi 19 mars 2018, aux environs de 21H30 minutes, le poste de sécurité de Somadougou, situé à 30 km au sud de Sévaré, a été attaqué par des individus armés non identifiés.

Si l’on ne déplore aucune perte en vie humaine, le poste a été malheureusement détruit.

Par fama.ml

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. Nous sommes de cœur avec vous soyez prudent et très courageux vous êtes notre fierté que Dieu vous en garde en veillant sur vous tout au long de cette délicatesse mission yarabi

  2. comrades terrorists make one condition clear if FAMA do not constantly pursue them through seek plus destroy mission they will attack FAMA. Fortunately there was only property destruction plus ego destruction in referred to attack. To think these drug addict terrorists are so bold to attack FAMA is astounding plus is proof we have not sufficiently done our job in that area. Sooner we do what must be done safer we will be in that area.
    We appear to be holding to timetable synonymous with slowness in taking action we attribute to OLD MEN. It is cause Mali is in desperate need of youthful , wary plus mature leader like Moussa Coulibaly who answer our call. Moussa Coulibaly will as fitting timely act as our military resources provide thereto providing Security plus Order that allows that area to diligently pursue good African living of Perpetual World Class Modern Living.

    Patriotic Movement Platform For Change

    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

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