Dans le cadre de ses missions de recherche et de neutralisation des Groupes armés terroristes (GAT), les Forces armées maliennes (FAMa) ont mené des opérations offensives dans la zone de Nampala et ses environs.
La Direction de l’information et des relations publiques des armées (Dirpa) l’a annoncé ce dimanche 27 octobre via un communiqué publié sur ses plateformes numériques. «Le 24 octobre 2024, à Ounguel, une base ennemie a été détruite, avec la neutralisation d’une trentaine de terroristes, ainsi que la saisie d’armes, de munitions et de 24 motos», précise le document.
La même source sécuritaire indique que le 25 octobre, une seconde opération a permis d’éliminer une dizaine de terroristes, avec la récupération de divers matériels, y compris des pick-up et des motos.
L’État-major général des Armées exprime sa gratitude envers les valeureux soldats pour leur professionnalisme et leur dévouement exceptionnels. Et la hiérarchie militaire de rassurer que les FAMa restent vigilantes et engagées à assurer la protection et la sécurité sur l’ensemble du territoire malien.
Souleymane SIDIBE
As should be done I give thanks to FAMA great security work plus acknowledge what I thought was nearly impossible few years ago is now within reach. That is competent security for Mali plus all AES nations then Africa as whole. May FAMA continue to dwell in presence of Ubuntu Beliefs Religion (UBR) Julu angels known as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday plus Saturday. FAMA must in safety perform its security duty plus stay living to be in Julu angels presence.
People of Books.
Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan
I believe I should provide following information to many first plus second generation Julu Africans in United States as we grow to year before I will be able to make esoteric water cycles available to honorable law abiding Julu of United States. One or two of most dynamic positions of Negroid American males are homosexuals plus so to speak ” in closet bisexuals”. For most part they control important positions plus their leadership have caused great demise in Negroid American community. That demise is well camouflage by fact developed world technologically advanced living plus drag much to slow as whole Negroid American community along with it to be peasants of technologically advanced community when under due leadership it should be at worst lower middle class community . Ubuntu Beliefs Religion Julu duty in this condition as set as terms to be provided esoteric water cycle is to raise vanguard Negroid American community with various skills plus expertise that meaningfully contribute to United States existence. If you question why I would partake as feasible in this endeavor I suggest you consider as I did that United States possess too many nuclear weapons for us to promote mass unpredictable turmoil therefore, it is best to contribute to ongoing development plus maintenance of ongoing comfortable world class modern living conditions of United States. That is your duty as Julu esoteric water cycle group welcome you to being first class citizen of United States.
As for homosexuals plus bisexuals conditions I would like to make known in nutshell. I became wary in 1969s at young age in community having many klansmen plus Caucasian supremacist. They often use practice of depriving or violating Negroid males inferior free speech shield to impose on those males to speak truth to all Caucasians. It was unavoidable for those Negroid males to do so to Caucasians that knew how to ” hunt” interrogate. For that cause Caucasians were taught at young age how to “hunt” interrogate. Many Caucasians planted method of Negroid to escape that initial interrogation by having partake in homosexual activity. With Negroids being unaware escape of homosexual activity was planted within “hunt” interrogation they begin to believe homosexual activity was way to escape ” hunt” interrogation. Of course that was amusing to klansmen plus other Caucasians. Caucasians view homosexuals plus bisexuals as idea workers who had allowed their manhood to be violated this were no longer men plus often referred to as boy by klansmen plus Caucasian supremacist. These homosexuals plus bisexuals as workers eventually gained higher positions as workers plus sought only to hire other homosexuals plus bisexuals thereof increasing wealth of Negroid American homosexual plus bisexual community. Where they were of authority they focused at keep heterosexual Negroid American males at lower positions plus excluded from money making ventures as much as feasible. Even now that same method is maintained by homosexual plus bisexual community in virtually every profession including entertainment, education, politics etc. This is why with backing of Negroid Africans money first plus second generation African Americans may construct numerous beneficial conditions heterosexual Negroid American have intentionally been kept out of. You will not only proof ourselves first class Americans worthy of Ubuntu Beliefs Religion Julu esoteric cycle club you also will give meaningful contribution to uplifting United States. That is something have failed terribly at doing last two generations under leadership of many homosexuals plus bisexuals regardless of profession including religion.
I came about much of my knowledge by observation plus my maternal uncles plus paternal family who saw themselves as fortunate to be relatives of Dad being he provided to them free speech ” hunt” shield no one could penetrate thereof nullifying need to become homosexual or bisexual but we did have few that made that commitment in belief it was only way to become rich as Negroid in America being homosexual plus bisexual Negroids with assistance from Caucasian would block you from success if you did not. My Uncle Bully said excess once those negroes act like Nazis at concentration camp imposing their prisoners before then make punks of one another. In my case my mother brother praised their big sister who was eldest for meeting plus marrying dad. Dad esoteric cover allowed them to penetrate what they defined as no good niggers to see evil homosexuals plus bisexuals would impose on heterosexual Negroid Americans if possible.
Now you see duty plus that you must be most wary of. For unity sake you might consider having groups that work with homosexuals plus bisexuals plus groups who will not work with them but may do business with them.
People of Books!!!!
Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan
Grand merci aux FAMA, il faut continuer a traquer partout les terroristes et les tuer sans pitie car ils sont très beaux et très bons quand ils sont morts.
Bravo aux FAMA pour votre patriotisme sans faillle. Vive la Confederation de l’AES pour une Afrique unie, libre, souveraine et prospere!