BER : Les encouragements du commandant Secteur 3 aux hommes suite aux revers infligés aux GAT à Ber.


Suite à l’attaque du Groupement Tactique d’Intervention (GTI-Scorpion) au camp de Ber par un groupe armé terroriste, le 06 octobre 2024, le commandant du secteur 3 de l’Opération Maliko le Colonel Seydou Bassirou NIANGADO s’est rendu le 08 octobre 2024 à Ber pour encourager et féliciter les hommes pour leur promptitude. Après les honneurs militaires, le Colonel NIANGADO a rencontré la troupe, échangé avec le commandant du GTI Scorpion et son staff, et visité le camp et les points d’explosions des véhicules kamikazes. Ensuite, il s’est porté aux cheveux des blessés pour leur souhaiter prompt rétablissement.

L’objectif des terroristes était de rentrer dans le camp afin de causer le maximum de dégâts, mais les hommes du GTI-Scorpion les ont neutralisés avant qu’ils ne déroulent leur manœuvre funeste. Ils ont fait exploser les deux véhicules bourrés d’explosifs qui tentaient de prendre d’assaut le camp. Le groupe terroriste était une cinquantaine à foncer sur le camp mais la détermination et l’engagement de nos hommes ont pris le dessus sur l’ennemi. Une vingtaine de terroristes a été neutralisée, plusieurs autres blessés. Des radios talkiewalkies, des armes lourdes notamment un LRAC, un PKM, une 12,7mm, trois PM, des chargeurs garnis, et une dizaine des motos abandonnées par l’ennemi. En plus des véhicules, plusieurs motos ont été également brûlés par nos FAMa. On dénombre 6 blessés légers côté FAMa et des dégâts légers dû à la déflagration.

Il faut noter que le groupe, qui a attaqué le camp de Ber, a quitté Lerneb, Gargando pour converger vers le camp FAMa de Ber, selon un terroriste appréhendé. Le cerveau de l’attaque Aliza Ould yehia a été neutralisé.

Le commandant du secteur 3 de l’opération Maliko repart de Ber très satisfait de l’engagement des hommes et des résultats engrangés sur le terrain.

Source : Fama

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. I thank injured for their gallant service in behalf of AES nations fighting against terrorists plus I wish them all speedy plus complete recovery. You are security guardians of our people.
    Thank you FAMA for your great plus very competent security work.
    It is obvious with increase in proper equipment plus arms FAMA ability to defends its camps have increased tremendously plus we all are pleased to know it. May FAMA continue its great security work. We all are deeply grateful. May seven Ubuntu Beliefs Religion (UBR) Julu angels known as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday plus Sunday continue to be with FAMA. FAMA must continue its great plus competent security work plus stay living to be in Julu angels presence.
    People of Books!
    Henry Author Price Jr. aka Kankan

    I saw some guys. They talked for while plus respected I had nothing to say. In fact they sat cross from me not with me. Their position is result of Obama fuck up. If he had allowed me to have staff this dumb shit would not have occurred plus United States along with NATO would not be suspended from doing business with my “hunt would would you you… hunt would would” before it open. Term of suspension have not been address but I do not expect it to be beyond seven years. In regard to personal abuse plus theft I have been subjected too that contributed to this mess they acknowledged those in charge knew from onset it was not good idea to associate me with groups they did including authorities but they did so due to their association, likely interracial marriages. That do not change anything. If they had followed my method or my associates from Texas recommendation excess 20 years ago they would have had what they sought as much as it is likely to be available ( They likely have loss trillions plus are trying to make Africans pay for their bad management losses). Unfortunately they worked with method I did not belief no developed nation worked out of. It concerns condition my seventh grade science club that was part of project concerning future leaders started by President LBJ considered then plus determined it as much of con as when all boys of club got together plus told girls in 25 years due to pollution all humans would be bald. After two weeks we ceased that lie but had to con at least half girls in that junior high along way. I later ran into consideration for that method while taking college classes in prison. That method is there is no right, there is no wrong(there is no morality) only success count. As was found by us in that Texas 7th grade science club I held in prison college course plus still hold today. To embrace there is no right there is no wrong that only success count is to cleverly at best destroy civilization plus order. Barbarians would rule. Idea may be to trick others into complying to laws as individual or group constant violate supposed laws to achieve their goals of obtaining power, wealth plus influence. It took my entire science class to come to that conclusion plus our final decision was not to deal with like people plus as necessary by any means possible restrict like group power, wealth plus influence. That still hold today in dealing with nations like Ukraine. All those Africans nations who have taken this too will pass disposition concerning Ukraine assisting terrorists to attack AES nation are on my shit list unto they acquire leader that put Africans first.
    As for those parties yesterday I do not know if they were supporters of Harris or Trump. As for Trump I realize what he is doing which is to point out America weak link that do not have to be weak link but have chosen to be weak link. I from observing often do not like Trump method of using race but when it fit condition what legitimately may be said. I put dismal seeking mediocre performance on incompetent punk Negroid American leaders. They need to find men to lead plus stop leading with punks. Negroid Americans ability to perform by far exceed their performance. Trump know it plus is pointing it out in most vicious way. I hate it plus should many Negroid Americans. Maybe that is what Negroid Americans need. Hate is one of great motivators. My jewish children that have no relationship with me bought into that shit plus stupidly have used it as motivation. Our great motivator is we are People of Books! No one is able to steal that title from us but they try. As for my children they likely will cry when over next decade some Africans have wealth, power plus influence they could have had.

  2. Ceux qui disent que la montée en puissance des Famas, les forces armées du Mali, n’est pas une réalité n’ont que leurs yeux pour pleurer.
    Au moins les Famas tiennent leurs positions et avancent à plus de 200kns au nord de Kidal.
    Nos soldats tuent les terroristes.
    Le Gal Ag Gamou bien installé à Kidal.
    Surtout ‘le retrait stratégique’ n’est que lointain souvenir.Quand les forces obscures étaient au Mali.
    Vive le Mali.


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