Le rappeur FBG Cash, 32 ans, a été tué par balle à Chicago


    Le rappeur, qui était âgé de 32 ans, a été tué vendredi matin dans le quartier de South Side à Chicago.

    Le rappeur FBG Cash a été tué par balle ce vendredi matin à Chicago dans le quartier de South Side, a annoncé le Chicago Police Department. Les faits se sont déroulés aux alentours de 5h30 du matin.

    Le rappeur était à bord d’un véhicule en compagnie d’une femme lorsqu’une berline s’est approchée de leur voiture. Un individu est alors sorti de voiture et a ouvert le feu en leur direction.

    La femme, âgée de 29 ans, a été blessée au bras gauche et en haut du dos lors de la fusillade. Elle a été transportée dans un état grave à l’hôpital. Le suspect a fui aussitôt après les faits. La police n’a fait encore aucune arrestation et une enquête a été ouverte.

    FBG Cash avait sorti un album en 2021, The Heart of the Street. FBG Cash n’a aucun rapport de parenté avec FBG Buck, rappeur notamment connu pour son titre Slide, qui avait été tué en 2020 à l’âge de 26 ans à Chicago. Ils faisaient en revanche tous les deux partie du même gang, le Fly Boy Gang.

    Source: https://www.bfmtv.com/

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    1. It appear to be another case of Rapper also being gangster who was partaking in illicit drugs plus is murdered by rival gang or member of his gang.
      Entertainment is great income producing industry if you successful but overwhelming majority of Negroid Americans who pursue being member to entertainment industry including athlete entertainers are not successful plus fail to learn income producing trade that will support them if they fail as entertainer. Thereof they become burden to United States plus contribute to demise of Negroid Americans.
      I personally for many reasons blame Establishment of America for much of Negroid America demise. Establishment take dynamic position of placing rumored illicit drug dealing Negroid American families in noted plus coveted positions plus intermingling them into being at head of lawful positions controlled by Negroids. That practice extend even to military. As result many Young Negroid Americans judge selling illicit drugs as essential to becoming successful African American. That presence have poisoned Negroid American community plus lead someone like myself to timely turn their effort elsewhere. It is stupid decision by Establishment that will further plus quickly demise Negroid American community when it most need to elevate. Maybe demise of Negroid America make it more acceptable to replace it as Establishment is efficiently doing while it project deception of elevating Negroid Americans but they know I see light of situation. It would be to America better existence to elevate law abiding Negroid American families who do not or have not profit from illegal drugs plus Establishment know it but do not do it. I do not periodically go to place where this point was occasionally bought to my attention. Condition is far beyond my control. To do right do not appear to be intent of American agenda under ongoing unstoppable accelerating Global Warming in these last decades of life in earth existence. That is proof by upstaging of Negroid entertainers of all sort including athletes over development of essential Negroid American personnel that build plus maintain modern living communities.
      Stupid is what stupid do. This world do not give stupid break. Nor will Negroid Africans if we duly embrace practical Greater Good approach to perception, planning plus actions. I am ready to come home now but have almost reach Mongoloid American portion of this ordeal I have been ongoing for decades.
      I painstakingly prepare for business in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. It is city of entertainment. Ha ha ha ha. As Americans say ” save best for last”. Will that be true for me in America.
      Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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