Appels au calme après une vidéo d’un homme noir criblé de balles par la police


    Le maire et la police de la ville américaine d’Akron, dans l’Ohio, ont lancé dimanche un appel au calme après la diffusion d’une vidéo montrant l’homicide par des policiers d’un homme noir qui a reçu 60 balles selon son avocat.

    Jayland Walker, 25 ans, a été tué lundi alors qu’il fuyait les policiers à pied après une poursuite en voiture consécutive à une tentative d’interpellation pour infraction routière. Une vidéo très violente diffusée dimanche par la police montre le jeune homme criblé de balles.

    Une nouvelle manifestation, à l’appel d’associations antiracistes, était prévue à 14H30 locales (18H30 GMT) dans cette ville proche de Cleveland, pour réclamer “justice pour Jayland Walker”.

    “Beaucoup voudront exprimer leurs griefs en public et je soutiens pleinement le droit de nos résidents à se réunir pacifiquement”, a déclaré le maire de la ville Dan Horrigan, assurant avoir “le coeur brisé”. “Mais j’espère que la population sera d’accord sur le fait que la violence et la destruction ne sont pas la solution”, a-t-il plaidé lors d’une conférence de presse.

    Le chef de la police Steve Mylett a indiqué qu’un rapport du médecin légiste faisait état de 60 blessures sur le corps de Jayland Walker. Son avocat Bobby DiCello assure que l’homme a été touché par 60 balles.

    Les policiers impliqués dans sa mort ont été suspendus administrativement en attendant la fin de l’enquête judiciaire.

    Dans un tweet dimanche, la superstar du basketball LeBron James, originaire d’Akron, a dit prier pour sa ville.


    Commentaires via Facebook :


    1. As more information become available it appear death could be suicide by victim tricking police into shooting him. Victim fiancee had recently died. Victim exited car without his gun wearing ski mask in July after supposedly having shot at police while driving to escape them. Victim allegedly motion to as retrieving gun from his waist prior to being excessively shot by police. There are questions to be answered. Did victim shoot at police or was muzzle flash shown on video result of altered video or defective video? Why was victim wearing mask? Had victim recently partaken in commission of crime plus did not want to be identified or was victim wearing mask to taunt police? Dominant factor in final determination is did victim shoot at police while having fun in his possession? If not he was murdered by police. Had gun been recently fired? Did police after discovering gun in victim car fire it? That information was ignored in conclusion police gave but of decision making importance. If victim did not fire gun while driving away from police major lawsuit is at issue.
      No doubt number of times victim was shot is excessive to highest degree. Police actions were those of frighten soldiers from Iraq or/ plus Afghanistan war or/ plus Negroid hating racists. Their mental stability is at question plus moreso at question is is that mentality you should have on police force? Last but not least although it is well covered it is clear police killing that victim are young Caucasian racists who place little if any value on Negroid Americans lives plus this occurrence will increase with unstoppable accelerating Global Warming plus lack of law abiding structure to United States immigration thereof making Negroid Americans expendable with their Negroid leadership to coward to acknowledge what is clearly going on.
      We do not need them in Africa.
      Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

      • ®𝔄𝕀G®◇□◇𝔄◇□◇G◇□◇𝕀◇□◇ℒ◇□◇𝕀◇□◇O◇□◇◇□◇G◇□◇𝕀◇□◇Æ◇□◇®◇□◇


    2. Demonstration of value placed on unarmed Negroid Americans running trying to escape after leading police on auto chase. Caucasians under same condition are usually only arrested. Now it seems Negroid Americans are murdered. It is due to noticeable degree of racism plus incompetent Negroid American leadership that only commit acts that keep them in leadership role as oppose to timely committing acts in Negroid Americans best interest. Their method seemingly have lessen value of Negroid Americans. We do not need any like them. They are clearly not in our best interest plus know we know it.
      Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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