Rapidio: Orange-Mali lance son 1er service de paiement mobile (M-Pay)


Le nouveau service d’Orange Mobile Money a été lancé, ce jeudi, à l’Hôtel Radisson Blu. C’était sous la présidence du représentant du ministre de la Communication et de l’Economie Numérique et de plusieurs commerçants.

Finir les problèmes de monnaie. Selon les responsables d’Orange Mali, le nouveau service de paiement mobile sans contact simplifiera le mode paiement au Mali. Désormais, pas besoin de cash sur soi ou de carte bancaire pour payer dans un restaurant, un hôtel, un commerce ou dans le transport. Ce mode de paiement a été rendu possible grâce à la technologie NFC (Near Field Communication). Une technologie de communication sans fil, à courte portée et à haute fréquence, permettant l’échange d’informations entre deux appareils.

Pour utiliser Rapidio, le client se rend dans une agence Orange où un autocollant est installé gratuitement sur son téléphone afin de le rendre compatible avec la technologie de paiement sans contact. Une fois l’autocollant installé, le client rapproche son téléphone d’une borne de paiement dans un commerce, il entre son code secret et l’opération est effectuée.

Mamadou TOGOLA/Maliweb.net

Commentaires via Facebook :


  1. comrades why is it Mali do not diversify by inviting more foreign firms besides France to partake in this service in Mali? It seems our mind is enslaved to degree we are always in Mali choosing France to take parent like controlling position in everything we do of import. If we are to break vicious condition of colonialists controlling Ubuntu world we must diversify in foreigners we do business with. Thereof is greater economic plus development freedom obligating entities to be chosen to fit into scheme of what need to be done to with thrift upgrade living conditions people of Mali. At present we teeter on slave like disposition to France with France control limiting what we may do to what France want done. Thereto is reation of Mali elite that is incompetent plus nothing beyond overseers for modern day colonialists slave masters. We will not suitably develop if we maintain that methodology. To break this vicious cycle is not initially profitable but, as time goes on many entities that were not profitable become profitable plus development flourish. Although few of you profit from France method this is condition where many should profit to degree it upgrade their living condition plus none should hold to those who attempt to prevent conditions that will allow many to upgrade their living conditions.
    Be not stupid. Submit to sharing where sharing is beneficial to our existence. Stupid is what stupid do. We will break stupidity colonialism obligate educated of Mali to be.

    Patriotic Movement Platform For Change

    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

    • Ces Brout€uracailles de Orange Money Bank sont plus digne de la Mafia quand ce n’est pas ça, ils sont en greve comme chez leur France Médias Monde/FTV!

  2. comrades is there anything done in Mali without France hovering over Malians as if France is their slavemaster. With all providers in this world have government of Mali limited those allowed to be provider in Mali to only France? If that door is open to others when will they be invited? We must diversify our interactions with foreign nations thereto we will cease to be reliant upon those who will not hesitate to exploit Ubuntu.

    Patriotic Movement Platform For Change

    Very much sincere,
    Henry Author(people of books) Price Jr. aka Obediah Ubuntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue.

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