Enseignement fondamental : La rentrée scolaire 2017-2018 reportée au lundi 9 octobre 2017

Examens scolaires : Moraliser la fuite de sujets et la fraude…

La rentrée des classes au compte de l’année scolaire 2017-2018 initialement prévue pour le lundi 2 octobre sur toute l’étendue du territoire national, a été reportée au lundi 9 octobre 2017 selon des sources proche des autorités scolaires. Le département par le biais de son chef de cabinet avance des raisons techniques.

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  1. comrades I tried to send this information moments ago but for cause unknown to me it is not listed. Being it is not listed I believe it is something somebody in control of internet found in best interest of Buntu people plus want to keep it from you thus, I am sending it again. Although following is not verbatim of what I initially wrote it possess essential information which if duly used could make you all appear to be geniuses with some of best teachers in world. As you should know I am advocate of Mali possessing personnel that will make it great nation it was hundreds of years ago. Personnel which will do it plus is capable of becoming any other personnel we need are engineers of all sort plus medical professionals. I promote following curriculum as one which will help prepare students despite them not having computers. In fact when they obtain computers this curriculum will make transition to using computers efficient plus beneficial. I recommend a curriculum featuring Mathematics beyond basics at higher grades with maths of algebra, geometry, trigonometry plus calculus, curriculum featuring Problem Solving using analyzing method of who, what, when, where plus why of a condition under a criteria of how, how long, how much, plus how often. In addition, analysis should be made in relation to steps plus stages of condition from most important to least important plus most interesting to least interesting plus curriculum should include at least basic Science to which problem solving analyzing method may be applied. I would like for all students of Mali to discover genius in themselves by using these methods. You will where this analyzing method is used proof your teachers to be of best in world. We have work to do but now you have a simple plus efficient winning method by which it may be done. Do your thing! Awaken Buntu Mali. Very much sincere, Henry Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue. translationbuddy.com

    • comrades as a footnote to my earlier comment for some unknown cause I feel I should make concerning Mathematics which by far was subject I best perform academically. Secret to Mathematics is to first learn rule of problem deduction. Thereafter what role each factor possess then learn how to apply that rule to factors at each step plus stage of deduction process. If you do it correctly it is unlikely you will ever make error in your Mathematics deductions. Very much sincere, Henry Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue. translationbuddy.com

  2. comrades being educating of many many engineers plus medical professionals is key to a joyous plus prosperous future for Mali I offer information on what I know a curriculum should feature. If a curriculum feature learning basics in these matters students will easily adjust to learning more when greater equipment inclusive of computers are readily available. This is not complicated plus this curriculum better enable students to breakdown what appear to be complicated information by dissecting that information by a simple method. A good curriculum that prepare will be engineers or/plus medical professionals also provide for students to ably enter into learning other curriculum. Curriculum should feature mathematics including algebra, geometry, trigonometry plus calculus at suitable grade levels, problem solving( I have found best method of problem solving to be to question by method of who, what, when, where, plus why of condition with each division being evaluated under how, how long, how much, plus how often. In addition steps plus stages of conditions need be evaluated from least important to most important plus from least interesting to most interesting) plus science. You should apply method to learning of issues of science. Those schools who focus at these methods will demonstrate some of most capable teachers plus best students who will evince what I acknowledge by becoming capable engineers of all sort plus medical professionals of all sorts. If they timely do we will soon as in one generation return Buntu Mali to dream nation it was hundreds of years ago. Young people foregoing simple methods when applied have made common people appear to be geniuses. Learn it plus use it to discover genius in you all. Very much sincere, Henry Price Jr. aka Obediah Buntu IL-Khan aka Kankan aka Gue. translationbuddy.com

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