Communiqué N° 057 de l’Etat-Major Général des Armées dans le cadre du plan Maliko et de l’Opération Kèlètigui


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  1. Kankan, please let them remember that male circumcision is an integral strategy used globally in the HIV prevention programmes financed by UNITED STATES’ PEPFAR/CDC/USAID Programmes, the Global Fund and the World Bank. Male circumcision has scientifically proven to reduce HIV transmission and the transmission of other Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs)


  3. Well that is french communique that my online translator will not translate therefore it appear to be gibberish. For that cause I will do pictogram as it appear to me. I bough three females not of our group over to Julu Hunt Master Center LLC free speech coverage. They are friends of my son. Last weekend my son whose cowardly lost( waste of college fees) plus seemingly like his former gang punks unable find courage to ask what have been on his mind as believed by me for 22 years I have been out of prison. I have waited on him to ask plus without plus with planned response but that asshole is very much like punks in gang he associated with have not found courage to ask. I laugh.. That is losers on world scale or wherever excessive charity do not exist. That is terrible group. When I first met them back in prison in late 1980s plus early 1990s my thought was every one of these guys should be away attending college but instead they were in prison. They possessed above average intelligence. Definitely college material plus this is from me who have dealt with prisoners who were once physicians, lawyers, college professors etc. That is key reason I was transferred to excess 20 prisons in 14 years. American Establishment wanted to make known to me info I possess then was above these people security level thereto certainly above average American security level. I wanted out of prison but maintained then secrecy. In cowardice these guys chose to increase their numbers by accepting anyone who would join. There numbers increased greatly plus reduce pressure police put on their upper echelon but it led me to judge them as untrustworthy bitches despite rumor Michelle Obama was member of group plus their associated sorority in her best days. Michelle was in position above minewithun United States government. I am unable to afford like incompetence plus breach of Mandingo law no matter how willing some chick may be.
    Well I am still Mandingo law for male circumcision plus it is Ubuntu Negroid African law for males. Non circumcised males do not care enough about women plus women know they lie to themselves when they say different. Ubuntu law do not change for anyone being all males may fulfill having penis foreskin circumcised but bitch niggers choose not to fulfill it therefore unworthy of trust. It is that simple. No cause to argue.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

    Establishment have been confronting me to manage Julu Hunt Master Center LLC under Ubuntu male circumcision rule. They are trying to tie me up before I get started marketing Julu Hunt Master Center LLC free speech shields plus that condition may be frightening cowardly casinos from dealing with me but, if I do right I do not need casinos plus they will need me but sadly I will be unavailable
    In kind!
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

    • Kankan, please let them remember that male circumcision is an integral strategy used globally in the HIV prevention programmes financed by PEPFAR/CDC/USAID, the Global Fund and the World Bank. Male circumcision has scientifically proven to reduce HIV transmission and transmission of other Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs)

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